Spoiler for quote pyramid:
I like the changes. 
I would object to the factual-ness of your statement
ART: | Google, the art could be similar though. (for any card designers reading this)
| IDEA: | iloveashley3
| NOTES: | A plain and simple water creature thats abilty is similar (except the name) to 's "Seraph". Water needs in my opinion one creature that is a reliable hard hitting creature.
(ogopogo is a 'canadian sea monster', i used its ability "submerge" because its sighting has never been confirmed.) - (submerge = dive under water)
as Water already has Toadfish (unupgraded) and Abyss Crawler (upgraded) which hit for 6 damage for 5
or 4
, respectively. I would not think this as a reason to dislike Ogopogo as a Water card.
true.. i just dont see those cards used in most decks.. i could however see this one used by many. you?
should i submit this to the crucible or make further changes ? 
Personally, I use Abyss Crawlers and Toadfish in lots of my water-using BL decks and other PvP stuff. In player-vs-AI matches I don't use them too much but mostly because there are better alternatives than rushing AI with Water

Ogopogo, as currently shown, would get use by me as likely a 50/50 replacement or alternative to Crawlers (where upgrades are restricted/limited/disallowed in PvP) or Toadfish (PvP stuff). Having not done much with non-NT water against AI I'm not sure how I'd use it there. I'd at least tinker with it (Fractal-ing, CP-ing, Blessing, etc) to find out, if ever realized as a card.
About the crucible submitting, someone else with experience at all and knowledge on when/if/why to submit there will have to chime in.