like i said when i started this thread, i new that it would take an rewirting of a lot of code. and the problem with building a druid deck is that its ould be random, now more than ever, you wouldn't be able to guarentee getting that 15/6 dragon with empathy. you might get a 2/0 creature with (well it doesn't really matter what it gets since it'll be dead before it can be used more than once. fallen druids are very vulnerable, very very vulnerable. so, ll you'd have to do is destroy the druid and your problems are over. and to the argument (which is undoubtedly coming from somewhere) that you could use anubis to make the druid immortal, or blessing to make it stronger, yes thats true but that would also require trying to balance antother element n on top of the entropy/life for the druid the death for the boneyard (if you mutate skeles) or the air/life for an ffq, and so on. on the other hand it might make it possible for at least one mono/duo decks to compete with gods. and it would be just plain fun