Phase Bomb: Wait, what? 20 damage to a creature, for 5? And then immaterializing? I don't get it
Sunset: Sounds like many things before. I made those Avenger, Shrapnel, this is both in one weaker package. I guess it's alright, after you stack them up they become a reckonforce.
Destiny Tablet: So, it activates right after playing and then you can dispose it prematurely? The effect may be powerful in the first turns, locking the enemy down for good, and because of this I'd make it cost waaaay, but
Exorcism: A portable Lob. Cost sounds fairly alright.
Noobula: Fits in the theme and is generally alright. This game could do with some more Nightfall-like cards.
Drown: Lethal at higher quantages. I'd give a percentage decrease, or something... with the amounts you can dish out with this, 1 per turn isn't much, especially seeing that there is no Purify for this
Vital Boon: All statuses, so you lose your hard-earned Adrenaline? Doesn't seem good, especially with Bonds that can provide good amounts of healing with the amounts of creatures Life has.