
Lots of cards to improve Elements comboes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1951.msg16800#msg16800
« on: January 11, 2010, 08:51:48 pm »

Here are my ideas to improve Elements currently existing elements, to create new comboes, to simply have more fun playing that awesome game if Zanzarino wants to/can add them. Like other topic, about new element, i will update cards with your feedbacks, to improve and balance them. I'll add my new cards ideas on existing elements here, with a message to notify about the update of that first post.

A big problem, as usual with me, are names. I'm lacking of names ideas. Once again, do not hesitate to propose some.
(i'm lacking too of fire, earth, water and dark mark images, if anyone has the patience to upload them)

Here we start...


Regenerative pillar (pillar - Other) : costs 3 random quanta. Gives 1 HP and 1 random quantum per turn. Upgrades to Regenerative tower.
Regenerative tower (pillar - Other) : costs 3 random quanta. Gives 1 HP and 1 random quantum per turn. Gives 1 HP and 1 random quantum when played.

Supportive pillar (pillar - Other) : no cost. Gives 1 quantum of element you got the less each turn. Upgrades to Supportive tower.
Supportive tower (pillar - Other) : no cost. Gives 1 quantum of element you got the less each turn. Immediatly applies once when played.

Power pillar (pillar - Other) : no cost. Gives 1 quantum of element you got the most each turn. Upgrades to Power tower.
Power tower (pillar - Other) : no cost. Gives 1 quantum of element you got the most each turn. Immediatly applies once when played.


Absorber (creature - Entropy) : costs 5 Entropy quanta. 4 / 6. Passively absorbs 2 random opponent's quanta each turn, and earns randomly -1 , 0 or 1 HP if has absorbed 2 quanta. Upgrades to Chaotic Drainer.
Chaotic Drainer (creature - Entropy) : costs 5 Entropy quanta. 4 / 8. Passively absorbs 2 random opponent's quanta each turn, and gains randomly 0/-1 , 0/0 or 0/1 if has absorbed 2 quanta.

Absurdity (creature - Entropy) : costs 3 Entropy quanta. 2 / 2. Ability : trouble (cost : 1 Entropy quantum). Upgrades into Irrationality.
Irrationality (creature - Entropy) : costs 3 Entropy quanta. 3 / 3. Ability : chaos (cost : 1 Entropy quantum).

ability : trouble. Creature does one of those effects: 8% chance to deal 5 damage to owner, 8% chance to deal 5 damage to opponent, 8% chance to heal opponent by 5, 8% chance to heal owner by 5, 8% chance to poison opponent by 1, 8% to poison you by 1, 5% chance to suicide, 9% chance to gain 1/1, 9% chance to loose 1/1, 8% chance to gain 5/5, 8% chance to damage itself by 5, 8% chance to heal itself by 5, 5% chance to mutate itself.
(total chance of good effect : 49%, total chance of bad effect : 46%, 5% chance to mutate itself)

ability : chaos. Creature does one of those effects: 7% chance to deal 8 damage to owner, 9% chance to deal 10 damage to opponent, 7% chance to heal opponent by 8, 9% chance to heal owner by 10, 9% chance to poison opponent by 2, 7% to poison you by 1, 4% chance to suicide, 11% chance to gain 2/2, 8% chance to loose 2/2, 8% chance to gain 8/8, 8% chance to damage itself by 7, 8% chance to heal itself by 10, 5% chance to mutate itself.
(total chance of good effect : 54%, total chance of bad effect : 41, 5% to mutate itself)


Timed Death (spell - Death) : costs 3 death quanta. Your targetted creature is loosing half his HP this turn (rounded up), and will die next turn. The half HP lost this turn is added to its attack. Upgrades to Fate.
Fate (spell - Death) : costs 2 death quanta. Your targetted creature is loosing half his HP this turn (rounded up), and will die next turn. When you apply this spell, his HP is added to its attack.

Fake shield (spell / shield - Death) : costs 6 Death quanta. Equips the opponent with a fake shield if he has no current shield, poisoning him by 1 each turn and blocking no damage nor spell. He cannot equip another shield as long as fake shield is here. Duration is 3 turns. Upgrades to Cursed Shield.
Cursed shield (spell / shield - Death) : costs 6 Death quanta. Equips the opponent with a fake shield if he has no current shield, poisoning him by 2 each turn and blocking no damage nor spell. He cannot equip another shield as long as fake shield is here. Duration is 3 turns.


Force Graviton (creature - Gravity) : costs 6 gravity quanta. 5 / 4. Ability : hard. Upgrades to Superior Graviton.
Superior Graviton (creature - Gravity) : costs 6 gravity quanta. 7 / 5. Ability : hard.

ability : hard. This creature has any taken damaged reduced by 1.


Hardened Stone (spell - Earth) : costs 5 earth quanta. All your earth creatures gains 0 / 5. Upgrades to Impenetrable Stone.
Impenetrable Stone (spell - Earth) : costs 4 earth quanta. All your earth creatures gains 0 / 8.

Terrain Knowledge (spell - Earth) : costs 3 earth quanta. All your creatures with no ability gains ability burrow.
Improved Terrain Knowledge (spell - Earth) : costs 2 earth quanta. All your creatures with no ability gains ability burrow.


Resurrection (spell - Life) : costs 5 life quanta. Targetted creature gains ability "res ward". Uprades to Improved Resurrection.
Improved Resurrection (spell - Life) : costs 5 life quanta. Targetted creature gains ability "improved res ward".

ability : res ward. The creature will be revived once in the state it when dying, then looses the res ward.
ability : improved res ward. The creature will be revived in the state it was before dying, with full HP (or HP it had before dying if it was more), then looses the improved res ward.
Those 2 abilities does not work against "rewind", which is not a death.


Flame (creature - Fire) : costs 2 fire quanta. 4 / 1. ability : self immolation (costs : 1 fire quantum). Upgrades to Inferno.
Inferno (creature - Fire) : costs 2 fire quanta. 6 / 1. ability : self immolation (costs : 1 fire quantum).

Fire Essence (creature - Fire) : costs 6 fire quanta. 0 / 20. ability : empower (costs : 1 fire quantum). Upgrades to Burning Essence. (inspired by YoYoBro)
Burning Essence (creature - Fire) : costs 6 fire quanta. 0 / 24. ability : empower (costs : 1 fire quantum). (inspired by YoYoBro)

ability : self immolation. When this creature dies, or when used (and then creature dies), it gives its owner 7 fire quanta + 1 quantum of each element.
ability : empower. When used, current creature looses 0/4 and the targetted one gains 4/0. (inspired by YoYoBro)


Hyppo (creature - Water) : costs 4 water quanta. 4 / 4. Has abilities immunise (costs: 1 water quantum) and poison immune. Upgrades into Hyppocampi.
Hyppocampi (creature - Water) : costs 4 water quanta. 6 / 5. Has abilities immunise (costs : 1 water quantum) and poison immune.

ability : immunise. Makes the targeted creature gain ability "poison immune".
ability : poison immune. This creature cannot be poisoned. When it gains the ability, removes poison if there was any.


Cherub (creature - Light) : costs 5 light quanta. 0 / 2. has ability minor healing, use for 2 Life quanta. Upgrades into Little Angel.
Little Angel (creature - Light) : costs 5 light quanta. 0 / 5. has ability minor healing, use for 2 Life quanta.

ability : minor healing. When used, gives the user 10 HP.


Flight (spell - Air) : costs 4 Air quanta. All your creatures gains immortal ability for 1 turn. All non-air creatures will loose 2 HP once it stops. Upgrades to high-flight.
High-flight (spell - Air) : costs 3 Air quanta. All your creatures gains immortal ability for 1 turn. All non-air creatures will loose 2 HP once it stops, all air creatures gains 0/1.


Broken Clock (permanent - Time) : costs 3 Time quanta. ability : time stop (costs 4 time quanta). Upgrades to Time-stopping machine.
Time-stopping machine (permanent - Time) : costs 1 Time quantum. ability : time stop (costs 4 time quanta).

ability : time stop. When used, freezes all hourglasses and all broken clocks and time-stopping machines for 2 turns (1 turn for the opponent after you, and the turn after which is yours). The player and his opponent will skip the normal drawing card phase in their next turn (an animation is played to show the start of a new turn, still).


Shadow (creature - Darkness) : costs 4 dark quanta. 3 / 3. ability : dark recruiting (costs : 2 dark quanta). Upgrades to Shadow Essence.
Shadow Essence (creature - Darkness) : costs 4 dark quanta. 5 / 4. ability : dark recruiting (costs: 2 dark quanta).

Parasite grow (spell - Darkness) : costs 3 dark quanta. Your targetted creature dies immediatly, and 2 parasites are spawned. Upgrades to Bloodsucker grow.
Bloodsucker grow (spell - Darkness) : costs 3 dark quanta. Your targetted creature dies immediatly, and 2 bloodsuckers are spawned.

ability : dark recruiting. The targetted creature is now of Darkness element. If is yours, gains +1/+1.


PlaneWalker (creature - Aether) : costs 5 Aether quanta. 6 / 3. ability : planeshifting. Upgrades to PlaneShifter.
PlaneShifter (creature - Aether) : costs 5 Aether quanta. 8 / 5. ability : planeshiting.

Plane Walk (spell - Aether) : costs 2 Aether quanta. The target creature gains planeshifting. Upgrades to Plane Shift.
Plane Shift (spell - Aether) : costs 1 Aether quantum. The target creature gains planeshifting.

Presence (spell - Aether) : costs 3 Aether quanta. Your target immortal creature is temporarily not immortal, until the end of your current turn. Uprades to Agreement.
Agreement (spell - Aether) : costs 2 Aether quanta. Your target immortal creature is temporarily not immortal, until the end of your current turn.

ability : planeshifting. The creature is here only 1 turn of two. Meaning, 1 turn it's normal, next turn it is like immortal + stuck in time (and thus, not attacking). Plus, when it changes from "not here" to "here", it is like "respawned", back to its most basic form (basic attack, basic HP, not poisoned, not immortal).



  • Guest
Re: Lots of cards to improve Elements comboes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1951.msg16842#msg16842
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 10:11:58 pm »
I love your ideas... i don't have the time to read everything right now, but i think your pillars (the only thing i managed to read) should be implemented right now :D great... just a question... if with supportive pillar you have 0 quanta of 9-10 elements (it happens with mono/dual) what does it do?

Re: Lots of cards to improve Elements comboes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1951.msg16845#msg16845
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 10:27:20 pm »
Oh yeah, i forgot to say about these cases. For the 2 pillars where there are the "equal" cases, then it adds a random quantum to those "equal amounts" ones.


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Re: Lots of cards to improve Elements comboes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1951.msg16893#msg16893
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 01:01:20 am »
Read through the entire thing. Very creative, very interesting. Chaos and Trouble are reaaaaaaaaally complicated :P


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Re: Lots of cards to improve Elements comboes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1951.msg17016#msg17016
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2010, 01:18:46 pm »
I really like the fake shield idea. This card may force players to add in deflag to kill their own shields since steal can't do a shit haha :/


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Re: Lots of cards to improve Elements comboes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1951.msg17050#msg17050
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2010, 03:51:40 pm »
Maybe regenerative pillar should have its cost reduced to 2/1... 3 is a bit too much for just one pill... even tho it heals...

