Before SG has time (I doubted she will have time soon) to make her big tutorial, and because I have to make a card myself, I created this simple tutorial on using pixlr to make a card.
1. Go to "Open Image from URL"
3. Copy the template link from the 1st post and paste it into the field, "OK"
4. When the image has loaded, you should get this:

5. In the layers panel:
a. Uncheck the "Type: Creature" layer and check the type you need
b. Uncheck the "Darkness" layer and check the element you need
c. Optionally delete unused type and element layers. (Use the bin button at the bottom-right of the layers panel to prevent abnormal behaviour)

6. Select the text tool (the "A" in tools) and click the "Card Name" layer in the layers panel
7. Click on the "Card name" text on the card.
8. Delete the original text and type in the name of your card

9. With the text tool still selected, click on the "Card Cost" layer and then click on the "5" on the card
10. Delete the "5" and type in your own card cost
11. To insert the element icon:
a. Find an image of the icon in this forum (the reply page has all 12 icons)
b. Right-click and choose "Copy image URL" (I am not familiar with Mac controls, and the name of the commands in this post might be inaccurate because I am using Chinese Windows)
c. In Pixlr, select File > Open from URL, and place the link into the field, "OK"

d. Select All (Ctrl+A) , copy (Ctrl+C), and paste into the card image
e. You should have a new layer. If it is not above the "Card Cost" layer, drag it there
f. Use the move tool (top-right one) to drag the icon into the right place

12. [Creature only] Select the text tool. Click the "Type:Creature" layer and click "3|2" on the card. Type in your own stats

13. Select the text tool. Click the "Description" layer and click the original description text. Delete it (Select All > Del) and type in your own, remeber to insert line breaks manually

14. If you are using an image, insert it the same way you insert the element icon, and put it above the bottom layer. (Tip: Before you put the image into the card, you can use Image > Image Size to resize it)
15. If you are drawing the card, I will not teach you how. I can only remind you that you can cover up the original image with a rectangle

16. You can optionally put in the artist name. Uncheck the "Art By .." layer if you don't want to. IMPOTANT: AFTER PUTTING IN THE ARTIST NAME, CLICK A LAYER WITHOUT TEXT ON BEFORE SELECTING ANY OTHER LAYERS
17. File > Save. Type in a file name and select the format (Optimally PNG because you get transparent corners). "OK" and select where to save

Read on if you are going for an upgraded card too
18. Uncheck the "Card Name" layer and check the "Card Name (upgraded)" layer
19. Click on the "Card Name (upgraded)" layer, and use the text tool to change the name. IMPOTANT: CLICK A LAYER WITHOUT TEXT ON BEFORE SELECTING ANY OTHER LAYERS
20. Change the cost, stats, and description as appropriate
21. You can delete the old image layer and insert/draw a new one
22. Check the "Upgraded ON/OFF" layer

23. Save as in step 17
BTW, the card is here (,2858.0.html)