Here is a better and easier tool for building card images:,7251.0.html
1. go to click "Open Image from URL"
3. Copy-paste ( (or download the file on your computer and open it from there)
You now see the card template in a Photoshop-like editing interface. Parts of the image are arranged in
layers which are stacked on top of each other. You can see all the layers in the layer panel on the right.
4. Hide/unhide layers you need or don't need by clicking the check-box on the right. (quantum icons are still missing!)
5. Copy-paste your own image and place it at the bottom on top of the placeholder image.
6. Use Type Tool (big letter A) to edit the texts.
Remember to have the layer you are working on selected in the layer panel!!!.
Your image is now ready for exporting.
**this next step has to be done because of a bug. I will fix it later***
6.5. Double click the lock icon on the bottom layer so that a check-box appears. This might make the interface a bit crazy but it also enables you to save the file. If you skip this, you might not be able to save the file. Weird, huh?
7. Go to File and Save (in Pixlr, not your browser)
8. Save to your desktop as PNG
9. Start a new post, click "Additional Options.." and attach the newly created image
I'll do a more in-depth tutorial later.
Try it out and post any feedback or suggestions.
P.s. Here's an example. Quality is pretty damn good considering it was done with only a browser.