maybe instead of arguing we should suggest improvements. i know that you did suggest some bob but then you started arguing and are on the border of a flame war. and even though the card is situational it could be good to include it in certain decks. its like purify, or reflect shield. both cards are pretty much useless in random pvp. but in certain decks they could be included. for example, the firebolt t50 grind deck. someone posted one that included light quanta, i can't remember why. oh yeah....for sundial. so i added a reflect shield to that deck since an opposing reflect shield is the only card that 100% shuts down that deck. same with purify, if a speed poison deck is your biggest worry, then you can included purify just to guard against that eventuality. on and on with smother. although such an ability would be next to useless as the game stands. wait, nm, it might be good to add it to the earth/time shrieker rush deck, since a fire rush is one of only a few decks that are faster.
now on to my suggestions.
blind: probably should be made slightly more permanent maybe like: all opposing monsters have 75% chance to miss their attacks for the next 2 turns, and a 25% chance to miss their attacks for the remainder of the duel. (a card would need to be designed to negate this)
smother: if this were an earth effect this would make sense against any element. after all a massive amount of dirt will cause problems to anything really: suffocate plants (life), solidify water (water), blot out light (light), i guess the rest of the elements are a little harder to think of since they are so intangible but you get the idea.
taunt: this is good, although i would suggest that you use something like what i suggested, otherwise all you really are doing is risking your own creature.
healing aura: like bob said creature healing isn't incredibly popular. as someone explained it, most people in pvp won't use a creature control spell unless they can kill the creature they want. making the only real use for this is a healing/gravity pull combo. maybe something like : "at the end of every turn heal player for 5" or maybe, " as long as affect is in effect player is immune to poison" still situational, but not quite as situational.
confusion: pretty good, although since this is already dependent on chance, maybe have it be like, at the end of every turn have a 33% chance that confusion goes away.
shed: yeah like bob said its kind of a nerfed growth, maybe have it be, "until the beginning of next turn creature loses 1/1 (vulnerability) then at the end of next turn creature gains 4/3." or maybe have it be a passive ability that causes this cycle. or maybe "creature gains 3/3 but does not attack this turn."
cleanse: i kind of like this, although it wouldn't necessarily be much good in pvp. however i can think of uses for it. maybe as a backup for oty's. after all occasionally you will get any oty that is poisoned and therefore doesn't gain defense. having it remove only one poison is next to useless since most people that are going to be poisoning you are the people that are mass poisoning you and cause like 15 poison by the 5th turn.