Why nerf good cards ? Instead , Boost weaker cards OR suggest new cards .
ABILITY: COST: EFFECT: | Kitty Aether Creature 5
Kitty attacks 5 times per turn None Kitty can not be targeted
Good bonewall killer , Immortal , Costs only 5 because many shields will make this creature useless . ( maybe lower cost ? )
Thats one counter that would be required to make any deck pheasible after it came out. There are many cards in this game that are already extremely powerful, but certian counters are too effective. We need more general counters, not more powerful cards. I know this doesn't mesh with my recomendations about hero cards on scaredgirl's thread, but those cards are 1 per deck and have some extreme limitations on them, preventing them from being abused too much. I'm not saying the kitty card doesn't have a cool design, but Bonewall needs to be tweaked whether kitty is there or not.
How bout Deflag's and steal's affect half of the bonewall? That would turn steals into a card that balances the game state, and deflag could destroy a large number of counters before a large attack.