The idea is fairly basic in theory, but not in practice I'm sure. Pillars that contribute more than one type of quantam.
I'm not talking about Quantam pillars either. Pillars that cater to duo, trio, even quad colored decks. This idea is not new
here I've noticed, everyone wants to get their fusion-ha on. But I will, in detail, explain how it could work.
Take a look at this picture
As you can see, at the fusion center or what have you, there are 5 potential boxes where you can place your wanted
elements. This would either make a Dual Pillar, Combined Pillar, Diverse Pillar, or a Slurred Pillar. For 2,3,4, and 5
How would this generate Quantas in a fair way? Simple, it gives you the Quantas is a clockwise pattern. In the example above
the Diverse pillar would turn one generate a Time, turn two a Life, and turns three and four would both generate Darkness.
This mechanic would solve the fact that multi-colored decks have an issue with CONSISTENCY (Non-Rambo of course)
Have you ever held a full hand of cards that are differently colored than your 5 pillars? Or maybe you have a pillar you need
but you only have ONE of it.
Do you think this would be over powered? I don't think so. It slows the deck down by quite a bit, having a pillar that
rotates Quantas is actually quite balanced in my opinion. All it does is help with consistency. Having no cards to match your
pillars while the opponent beats on your face is not fun at all.
Oh, here's a nice little yin-yang I made. (Ignore the fact that there's no pillar in this picture... Or ability text.)