SU: Good idea. Entorpy creatures usually have low stats.
GC: I'd change this to "not have ability". Spam of diving Elite Chargers would be rather deadly. Also, Dive is an ability that costs 2 Air, how is this Mono?
Comb: Too costly for that kind of thing, and drains your Firelances/Fahrenheits out of fuel, but can be crucial and so on. Fine.
Flash: May be a tad strong conjoined with Pegasii, but aside from that a real good idea.
Bone collector: Good idea, symbiotic with the Skeleton spam from multiple boneyards. 6 Death could be a good cost, or 7.
Health Factory: While I doubt "6 of same as your mark" is programmable, it isn't needed, as the effect is enough of a non-mono prevention, and the idea itself is BRILLIANT