If you have to keep adding conditions to make the card useable, it probably needs a redesign.
Here's a redesign idea that should cover the Chimera / Heal / Quint problems:
The creature is 0/4 | 0/3.
"Meteor enters play with 3 | 2 delay counters and one poison counter. Meteor deals 20 extra damage with attacks and cannot gain HP."
The ability is passive.
I am 99% certain that this doesn't leave any loopholes deviating from two results:
- Meteor attacks and deals a ton of damage
- Meteor takes damage from any source and dies before dealing damage
Fire already has a lot of high-attack but very vulnerable creatures. What would this card add?
This is a creature with the effect of a spell, like Spark. When used, it deals massive damage after 3 | 2 turns unless the opponent destroys it. It fits the glass cannon theme of .
So maybe have it be a 1|1 creature with card text reading:
"Gets +19|-1 when attacking, but comes into play delayed for 3 rounds and cannot be healed or have max hp raised."
granted, you could still quint it, but thats a 2 card combo for a 1 shot attack in 3 rounds so I'm not too worried about it.
This solves healing, buffing, quint and chimera. And makes it fit the tough to pull off but highly deadly one shot glass cannon you are after.
I actually really like this cards concept.
Yes, but fire already has plenty of glass cannons (Crimson Dragon being the closest to Meteor, but Seraph and Lava Golem also qualifying). Why do they need yet another?
While fire certainly does have other glass cannon type cards e.g. crimson dragon, this one is quite unique. It stands out from fire's other "glass cannon" cards because all the others are more or less guaranteed the chance to deal damage. This card, while very powerful, is by no means guaranteed to even get its single attack.
In short, it has the highest cost to damage ration in the game, but also by far the greatest risk of failure.
Personally I think it will make a great addition for fire.