I don't understand what has to do
with swarm. IMO it's more from
or even
(fractal way). I'm not saying it couldn't be
, just want to know why you choose that element.
When I heard the word 'swarm', 'accretion' comes to mind. And accretion is associated with gravity, so I chose gravity over aether. Not that I wouldn't change it.

I like this idea a lot but I think it's dangerous and maybe a bit OP. If you cast it it's nearly impossible to kill those creatures. Is like what happens with scarabs, when there are too much of them you are done (if you try to kill them).
Imagine to fractal a ball of lightning and then cast mentalik|Hive Mind on them.
Yeah, I was aware of this. My only thought to get around it was to calculate HP before recalculating it due to the spell. So when a creature with 1 life and is poisoned before the spell was cast, I expect it (and Sparks/BLs) to die before this spell takes effect.
And actually, the coverage of the spell was supposed to be smaller (creatures without skill of any kind, with the exception of 'airborne'), but jmizzle7 pointed out some stuff so I had to redo the notes again.
Still trying to find a way to balance it non-quanta-wise. >.<