I agree it is a bit awkward, although I like the idea behind it. I don't think it's OP or UP, it's just too hard to tell at this point. Theoretically you could get it out fairly fast with an Snova (for a 5|5), and start pumping it up quite early, but it would essentially require an opening hand with Snovas for it to be reliable and fast. It would also mean it pretty much requires specific additional cards for it to be powerful. Mid-game with quantum pillars it's not too tough to get this guy some power, but it's likely that spending on just one Menoetius will leave you unable to play some crucial cards in your hand, or play a 2nd Menoetius.
The key here is the ability, which uses 1 of each quantum type. It might work better if the cast cost was 12 and the base ATK|HP was lower, maybe 2|2 or something. Another option is the bonus could be reduced slightly and it could consume 12 random quanta instead of 1 of each type.