Memory Wipe, is a mass lobotimizer, for a respectable seven Eyster quanta, two notable differences that make this card unique is firstly the usage of it versus lots of powerful FG, including Morte, Destiny, Rainbow to some extent and pretty much every other FG, another notable thing about this card is its regard to also possibly eliminate aflatoxin on yours side of the field this card, shuts down most gravity, death , speedbow or any other deck relying on abilites, which is most deck's to tell the truth, it's usage is almost infinite.
1. it shuts down full on almost any deck, unless the running of vanilla creature-based deck, which is very rare, only exception to this rule is mono-Aether, thanks to its immunity to spells.
2. thanks to its lowish cost, seven Aether quanta, it could make a fine addition to a CCYB instead of fractal, which has a higher cost and is more of a finishing move.
3. As its a spell it is not destroyable by any ability, that is currently in game.
1. As it's a spell, it only has three minor weaknesses, quanta denial, silence, passive abilities.
2. this card ,if ever implemented, will be nerfed severely, as it hands down is more powerful than any other card in game.
For balancing it, first increment cost to 11 Aether Quanta and make it drain rest of Aether pool's Quanta.
or make it dual element possibly with darkness, making it more balanced.
icecoldbro rating