"Each turn is generated." must mean something else to you than it does to everyone else. And after seeing my card, you added on some hp and removed the semi-vanilla mostly irrelevant ability and stuck some ms paint art on it and called it yours. But don't worry, moderators are very liberal here in what constitutes an 'idea' and you are in no way likely to be called an idea thief by them, and all I can do is say "well done, idea thief."
There are 3 parts to his cards (Hp | Hp +
There are 4 parts to your card (
Generation + Prevent Invisibility |
Generation + Prevent Invisibility)
They are similar on 1 part (upgraded quanta generation) [1/6 + 1/8 = 7/24]
Ash Eater | Brimestone Eater is not a copy of Dragonfly | Damselfly when unupped. Upgraded it is a copy.
In other words: These cards are not similar enough to be copies but are way too similar for good taste. If the upgraded
generation is not part of the core idea then replace it with something else.
edit- and then you come up with your own 'removes invisibility card', love it. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36740.0.html
You mean an Area of Effect card? Genres like Pillar or Bolt are too broad to count as copying.
If your form of non AoE prevention of invisbility was used then that would be copying. Using an Aoe is not copying.