Could make for interesting combinations with rapid drawing decks (Golden Hourglass, Shard of Bravery, etc)
Potential for abuse with fractal is high.
How do things like mindgate, mutation and reverse time work with the marked card mechanic?.
Yes, fractal abuse is always tricky with

creatures. I'm hoping the very low hps helps make up for that since it will also be quite prone to CC as well. E.g. fractal combos are easily countered by thunderstorm, upped dryspell, firestorm, etc.
Their ATK values are low enough that most shields should be able to mitigate burst damage output from these tactics and their quanta generation will only trigger when marked card is actually drawn. This means that the opponent will have a chance to CC the creatures before their owners next turn, and to drain off any quanta generated via devourer, or black hole... or at least they will have 1 turn to prepare for the results of the enemy's new found wealth.
Lastly, since the ability requires that a marked card to be drawn, the quanta rush combo will only be reliable in the mid to late game, after a large proportion of the cards in the decks have been marked. Most quanta rush tactics are only significantly OP if they can be pulled off early game, so this should limit the impact of this combo as well.
I answer the questions about fractal, etc. here:
Marked Card Mechanic SeriesI will start linking it into all of these cards now. Thanks for the reminder

Essentially, if an effect would make a copy that retains all of the buffs, stat changes, etc. on the original, then the card mark will be copied over as well. E.g. parallel universe will copy the creature's mark, but mitosis and fractal will not.
Mutation will also cause the mark to be retained because it causes other buffs, like momentum and adrenaline, to be retained as well.
The card will also retain its mark with reverse time because the card itself is directly being moved, so the mark will stick with it just like it would when the creature was drawn and played.