considering the number of permanents you can potentially have in play, this could be much stronger than a pulverizer. You also can't assume that this will only be used for mono

. It will almost certainly end up in a duo or rainbow deck.
Assuming a deck is about 1/3 pillars, for a 9 to 12 round game this isn't too bad (3 or 4 attack or maybe 5 or 6 in mono

), but consider a duo with time stall that lasts say 15 rounds on average. At an average of 2 draws a round thats about 10 pillars, so you get a 10/10. Thats as tough as a gold dragon. Add in a shield, sword and hourglass or two and this thing is bigger than a dragon. Then there is the possiblility of adding in shards... That could get big and ugly in a hurry.
Still, its a pretty cool concept. It may or may not be OP, I think testing will probably be needed to know for sure.