
Offline ThalasTopic starter

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mACHINE (Semi-Permalink)
« on: February 22, 2010, 08:57:00 pm »

1 damage 1 life Cost 1 Machine (or :aether)
Target monster, if the monster dies you will get 1 Nanite .

Electrical Virus
1 damage 1 life Cost 2 Machine (or :air)
Sacrifice Electrical Virus and destroy 1 permanent.

Infinite Energy 
Cost 8 Machine(or :light  )
You have for 1 turn infinite Energy ( :aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water)
Cost 4 Machine
All non-machine monsters lose 1 Damge and all Machine monsters gain 1 Damage (Bad for rainbow deck ;D)

Cost 3 Machine (or  :gravity)
select 1 of your monster and your other monsters die and their power is transferred to the selected (ALL IN 1)

Ground Bot                                                      /  Mine Bot
2 damage 2 life Cost 3 Machine (or :earth )      2 damage 4 life Cost 3 Machine
Can´t be poisoned                                        Can´t be poisoned. Each turn is genrated 1 Machine

Iron Shield
Cost 4 Machine
Shield: Every turn sacrifice 1 monster. Your opponent can´t generate any energy and physical damge is reduced by 1.

Cobalt Dragon                                                       / Titan Dragon
9 damage 12 life Cost 10 Machine(or  :earth)        10 damage 13 life Cost 12
                                                                              Growth : +0/+2 Cost 1 Machine

Molten Whip
Cost 4 Machine
Weapon : Deal 3 damage at the end of every turn Tyrant: Deal 1 damage to your monster and the opponent suffer 10 damage.This can be used once per turn

Virtual Trauma
Cost 4 Machine (or  :death)
Targetted monster loses all his damage.
Human Fault
Cost 3 Machine (or  :death)
opponent discard 1 card from his/her hand
It can be used in other elements.


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Re: mACHINE (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 09:05:02 pm »
What exactly is this "orb"?

The whip is underpowered for 4 quanta

Colbolt dragy can have its cost reduced by 1-2

Machinerium- should have cost matched with eclipse

Gathering- love it

The sad truth is that multiple elements have been suggested but would only throw the game off balance if implamented.

Offline ThalasTopic starter

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  • Thalas is taking their first peeks out of the Antlion's burrow.Thalas is taking their first peeks out of the Antlion's burrow.
  • New to Elements
Re: mACHINE (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2010, 09:31:53 pm »
I was editing it, so the molten whip was underpowered.


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Re: mACHINE (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 12:30:26 pm »
i think 12 mark are enough

 :earth and  :gravity are similar any way to metal, steal, machines or whatever


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Re: mACHINE (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2010, 01:35:31 pm »
Cost 3 Machine (or  :gravity)
select 1 of your monster and your other monsters die and their power is transferred to the selected (ALL IN 1)
Fly titan, gather to titan, grav pull, momentum.....

Kael Hate

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Re: mACHINE (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2010, 02:52:37 pm »
Infinite Energy 
Cost 8 Machine(or :light  )
You have for 1 turn infinite Energy ( :aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water)
Does this mean that Firebolt and Drain life will instant kill?

