Another idea to improve Light decks:
Light decks suck mainly becouse they can't manage enemy permanents.
Now, destroy things shouldn't be the right theme for light, so how to make them on the same level of other elements (or at least, less underpowered)?
My idea is similar to what "Parallel univers" is for Aether, only for permanents.
It will not give to Light the chance to destroy enemy permanents, but at least give them the chance to copy them.
Other then that, Light can copy his OWN permanents, making multiple copies of them (Something like moltiplication of bread and fish of Jesus Christ, that fits well the holy theme of Light).
That will give the chance to Light to get from the opponent some nice weapon/shields or permanents (like emphatic bonds, graveyards or similar utility permanents).
So, that are the cards:
What you think about them?