There may also be copyright issues with the word 'Langolier' or 'Langoliers'.
The Langoliers is one of four novellas published in the Stephen King book Four Past Midnight in 1990. It was published more than 20 years ago so you are pretty safe on this side I would say.
However, the website where you took the image clearly states "All material © 2010 for unauthorized reproduction strictly prohibited." just right under the image you used. I would say that is not allowed ...
About the card Idea in itself. Few PC are available in game:2 Spells: Steal and Deflagration. They have the same limitations as every spells - not more than 6 copies ...1 Weapon: Pulveriser. Duo card (
) + you need to combine it with Animate Weapon or Crusader if you want to have more than one copy in game.Butterfly effect: Needs to be combined with a low attack creature. 2 card combo + very expensive ability (
: destroy).
Your idea is interesting but it is mono card with a cheaper repetitive PC ability which does not need any other card to be present in multiple copies in the game. I would say it is either to cheap or too powerful in this form.
Yep, the image is listed as being "lifted", which is a polite way of saying I used it without permission (stolen art). Someone can surely do better art that matches the color scheme.
Don't forget that there is the chance for druids/mutation to convert cards into destruction cards. As far as I've seen, there aren't a ton of options on what the advanced mutation will give a creature so steal and destroy come up fairly often. Combined with Butterfly effect it is fairly easy to get an army of destroyers for pretty cheap.
Do note that this has a pretty hefty weakness: the player gets no choice about what is destroyed. That is somewhat left in the hands of the opponent. All of the rest of the destroy/steal cards allow the player to select what they want gone. As mentioned prior, the Langoliers would likely be eating through a lot of pillars first, one at a time, unless the other player cleverly used permanents like shards in between putting pillars out so as to keep some pillars safe for longer (depending on whether they need the shards or pillars more). It would also stall people on putting out certain valuable cards, like shields, without enchant artifact until they've insulated those useful cards with a good chunk of other permanents, that way Langoliers would have to spend a good chunk of time eating through stuff that would not really harm the opponent through the midgame.
I wouldn't be opposed to making it more expensive or weakening it in some other way. The low defense is meant to be a huge weakness for this card. Having a higher attack than defense is intentional: Maxwell's demon car rip Langoliers a new one.
The following defenses can be put up against it for each of the elements:
Entropy: Maxwell's Demon, Mutate, Pandemonium, Antimatter.
Death: Virus, Plague, Aflatoxin
Gravity: Gravity pull, Otyugh, Acceleration
Earth: Enchant artifact, Basilisk blood (probably not a great idea), Iridium warden
Life: Thorn Carapace
Fire: Fire Bolt, Fire Shield, Rain of Fire, Rage Potion
Water: Freeze, Ice Bolt, Ice Shield, Toadfish, Mind flayer, Arctic Squid, Flooding (situational)
Light: None, save that Morning Star, Reflective Shield, and Hope cannot be destroyed.
Air: Thunderstorm, Unstable Gas, Shockwave and Owl's eye.
Time: Reverse time, Scarabs, Procrastination.
Darkness: Parasite, Drain Life, Liquid Shadow, Cloak (that might be an interesting twist, to make the Langolier ignore cloak, since you can't hide from Time)
Aether: Lightning, Parallel Universe (nasty), Silence, Lobotomizer
Other than the traditional methods of trying to keep a low hp creature from being destroyed quickly, there are really a lot of methods in the game to be rid of them. Life and Light are somewhat weak to this, but a Life mono rush will beat a slow strategy most of the time anyway. Also, Life has ways of getting life quanta (Rustlers) as does light (Ray of Light and Luciferin) which well insulate them from the dangers of permanent destruction.