Claimer: Been there, made a set of those before, and then a SECOND SET, although published just the first one on thise forums. Currently slowly giving art to all those, expect release of both sets in art soon.
Soul Scythe: A weak denail card, hm... damage seems to be nice. Potentially useful when flown multiples, and with PU you increase the denail powers even further.
Boomerang: While a Wyrm costs 4+2 for ability and deals just 6 damage as opposed to 12 of this. And you can Fly those easily due to Air.
Cursing Knife: I can't really imagine how would this be calculated, and you haven't supplied any examples... a pile of counters stacked close to the enemy's HP like poison counters and they decrease instead of HP increase when the enemy heals until depleted? Well... would be really situational, then, and practically only against Life... Well, Miracle can supply this 25 extra healing to still get you to full-1, right?
Necrostaff: Ooh, which one?
Can't remember making a skeleton summoner, and Peasant Mob probably isn't it... Bedsides, I'll go along the opinions of others and say that a cost of 1-2
or 2
is more like it, just compare to FFQ.
Quarterstaff: I do indeed remember making a quarterstaff that blocked part of damage, myes. Sounds fine, although it's pretty high of a cost, 6/5 just for a shield attachment...
sildbraker: The cost-to-damage ratio is pretty awesome, and the ability... well, it costs less than other destructions, but it is less flexible, so... does indeed border on being a bit OP, but fine for me.
Decay Crossbow: The ability is very, very powerful. 1 less cost than Sniper, 1 less damage than Sniper, better ratio... Needs a nerf.
Main Douche: I'd say that "stops the attack" sounds better, as Titan cannot be blocked, but that's seamentics. Bedsides, it costs about as much as an Armagio, and you need to fly it, so like 20 HP wouldn't hurt.
Faerie Thingy: A very good ratio this has, I must say... I'd say, even, that the initial damage could be lesser, and the final damage and ability cost higher. Like, 2 damage initial, animates to 7/7 with 3 animation cost. In total it costs 5 Life and a turn to make it almost as strong as a Shrieker while it's more resilient.
Holy Wand: A very original concept, and a nice thing to splash in many decks, like Aether or... whatever uses spells to damage. Yes. Although, decide if the upgrade drops the cost or strengthens the effect - both is a bit too much.
Tie Spear: Permanent freezer. Guess it could be useful to shut those Bonds or enemy Hourglasses or whatever down. Still, permanents appear much less than creatures, so this card is less flexible and more situational... still, nice.
Sapphire Blade: 6 those, 5 Flying Wepons, Airmark, Iceshield and... 18 Sapphire Pillars for a nice, high damage deck. Things that strengthen using pillars generally can be exploited (reminds me of how I got the second place in Chriskang's challenge by being the first to play and exploiting Disappointment Field... oh, those were win times...) like this. Oh well...
Conjurer's Dagger: Could be put along Emerald Pillars, Adrenaline and Markfuel flying weapons to farm moneyyyyy even more... but still, I doubt this can be calculated, even, and it could lead to some nasty tricks like "moneyyyyy farms": 6 Photons, 6 Rustlers, 6 Bonds, about 20-30 Emerald Pillars, or filled to the cap, why not, possibly Markfueled Skeletons... you put up any shield that blocks, beat with those Daggers while they heal past, keep yourself from deckout somehow and ultimately rack up like thousand(s) of damage before the enemy decks out. I'd say not really necessary, but funny.