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NAME: | Foundry Golem
| ELEMENT: | Earth
| COST: | 7 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 6 | 9
| TEXT: | Siege Smith: Transfers 1|0 to owned creatures that fail to deal damage with their attack.
: Forge - Refill lost ATK
| NAME: | Micro Foundry Golem
| ELEMENT: | Earth
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 6
| TEXT: | Siege Smith: Transfers 1|0 to owned creatures that fail to deal damage with their attack.
: Forge - Refill lost ATK
ART: | OdinVanguard
| IDEA: | OdinVanguard
| NOTES: | "Today is a good day to remain grounded"
"If at first you don't succeed, use a bigger sword!"
Provides mono earth with anti-shield capabilities which can be enhanced in decks that also use quanta.
The 'Siege Smith" ability will not trigger if the Golem has an ATK of less than 0 nor if the golem is frozen or delayed. Similarly, creatures that have an ATK of zero or that are frozen or delayed will not be affected since they do not actually attack.
For clarification the clause 'fail to deal damage with their attack' means that 1) The creature had to actually attack (see note about ATK of zero and freeze / delay) 2) If the enemy player's HPs do not change as a result of the attack, the attack has 'failed to deal damage'
This means that creatures with a negative attack will not get helped since they are technically dealing 'negative' damage.
-The Siege Smith ability may trigger more than once in a given turn and more than one golem can end up buffing the same creature. -The ability is resolved AFTER the attack phase is complete. -If a golem has multiple creatures that it could trigger for but insufficient ATK to do so, it affects those creatures in the order in which the creatures attacked. -To simplify the mechanic, creatures with Siege Smith ability will NOT transfer ATK to other creatures with that also have the Siege Smith ability
-Finally, the Siege Smith ability functions by reducing the creatures 'current' ATK but not its maximum. The forge ability resets the creatures current ATK to match its maximum ATK. This means that if the golem's ATK is increased, then the forge ability can refill more ATK per use.
Example 1: You have 2 Forest Scorpions and 2 Foundry Golems. Your opponent has the 'Shield' card. On the attack phase, the opponent's shield prevents each scorpion from dealing damage (damage reduction of 1 and forest scorpions have an ATK of 1) Each golem triggers for both forest scorpions, so you end up with a pair of 2|2 forest scorpions and a pair of 2|9 Foundry Golems. Next turn, your scorpions will finally punch through the shield and poison your opponent, so the golems will not trigger.
Example 2: You have a 4 scorpions and a Micro Foundry Golem. Your opponent has a Titanium shield. The scorpions bounce off of the titanium shield and trigger the Micro Foundry Golem. Since it does not have enough ATK to buff all 4, only the first 3 scorpions that attacked get buffed. The last scorpion is unaffected and remains a 2|2.
Example 3: You have two Foundry Golems which have depleted their ATK. One was targetted with a rage potion previously so you have one 0|9 golem and one 0|4 golem. You trigger both of their forge abilities. Now you have one 6|9 golem and one 11|4 golem.
Whether the glass is half full or half empty is a moot point. It is always filled to the brim. It is only a matter of by what. The real question is: What fills you?
If your zombie plan is
kill -9 `ps l | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$9}' | grep "Z" | awk '{printf("%s ",$2)}'`
You might be a unix junky