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Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42673#msg42673
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:50:03 am »
This card is pretty OP, and I'm sure it will never be an addition to the game. However, if it were extremely extremely extremely (emphasis here) difficult to obtain, it might be addable.

Basically, it's a pillar/tower that produces one quanta of each element each turn.

You would have like a .000000000000000000000000001% chance of getting this from the oracle. It would basically be the equivalent of an elements lottery :-p The chance of anyone getting one is quite low, and the chance of anyone getting multiple is near impossible.

Food for thought anyway.


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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42681#msg42681
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 04:03:17 am »
Rarity does not affect card balance. An overpowered card is still overpowered even when it's difficult to come by.
If no one gets it, it might as well not be made. If someone does get it, they'll have an unfair advantage over everyone else.

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42689#msg42689
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 04:22:01 am »
If everyone has an equal chance to obtain it, it's not unfair. It just means the person got lucky. Fairness is rather subjective though. I would have no problem if a set of extremely OP cards were released but nearly impossible to obtain, but I'm sure others would have a problem with it. Anyway, I doubt we'll get anywhere arguing over it.

Kael Hate

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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42732#msg42732
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2010, 07:48:07 am »
Rarity does not affect card balance.
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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42733#msg42733
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2010, 07:51:27 am »
Demagog, that would be like MtG announcing that for their next extended tournament, one player at random could play with banned cards as though they were not banned. Just because everyone gets a fair shot doesn't mean the environment is balanced. That's what this card would do once somebody won it.


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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42734#msg42734
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2010, 07:55:51 am »
Rarity does not affect card balance. An overpowered card is still overpowered even when it's difficult to come by.
If no one gets it, it might as well not be made. If someone does get it, they'll have an unfair advantage over everyone else.
yeah i agree maybe it could be a card you could get once youu reach a certain score that way everyone wouldnt have it but could achieve with some effort

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42756#msg42756
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2010, 10:49:53 am »
Demagog, that would be like MtG announcing that for their next extended tournament, one player at random could play with banned cards as though they were not banned. Just because everyone gets a fair shot doesn't mean the environment is balanced. That's what this card would do once somebody won it.
I know nothing about MtG, so I can't really argue with that.

I understand why yall say it's completely unfair, but equal opportunity is fairness in my opinion. Besides, I don't think this is a game breaking card; it's just a little overpowered.

Anyway, I knew this card was overpowered enough that the majority of people would say "bad idea," but I figured some would share my opinion that equal opportunity is fair. In fact, I was more curious as to what yall thought about equal opportunity being fair than curious as to what yall thought of the card. Sure, I could just start a topic in general discussion asking yall's thoughts on the matter, but I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Discussing it is probably still applicable in the card ideas section since it's in regards to cards.

If a discussion does ensue, it should be noted that this opinion is not important to me. My opinion on whether or not it's cold enough to wear a jacket is more important than equal opportunity being fair in relation to card games. So it's an opinion that could be changed if someone makes a good enough argument... if it were something like religion or whether or not it's cold enough to wear a jacket, you'd never change my mind. I'm really only telling yall this because people have a tendency to flame when someone states a potentially controversial opinion. That's just in my experience though.


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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42760#msg42760
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2010, 11:25:39 am »
I think that even though we would all have an equal chance of getting it, that doesn't make it a fair card. You may think that the card isn't really game-changing...but it is equivalent to 4 quantum pillars. Now I'm sure you all know how much faster upgraded decks (with towers rather than pillars) seem than non-upgraded decks...but imagine if, rather than just 1 turn faster, your deck was 4 times as fast... Now i am aware that with its rarity, you wouldn't have more than 1 in a deck usually, but it would have to be at least as rare as nymphs to be anywhere close to rare enough (meaning you can't win it off spins) and also, think of it this way:
every card in elements should be usable by false gods withoud being overpowered, and imagine if every god replaced every tower with one of these...if you mutate their creatures, they can always use abilities...they would no longer rely on drawing the right pillar types...etc.

And...this card has no disadvantages. It is better than every other pillar/tower in every way. Including for mono decks.


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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42856#msg42856
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2010, 05:16:22 pm »
i propose an even MORE rare card

3 :fire
do 99 damage to target player.

it may be OP, but it's SO rare it will become balanced...right?

/sorry for using sarcasm for illustration.

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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42859#msg42859
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2010, 05:23:53 pm »
Sure, as long as you can't use it in PVP/T50 this could be fun.

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42914#msg42914
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2010, 07:29:43 pm »
i propose an even MORE rare card

3 :fire
do 99 damage to target player.

it may be OP, but it's SO rare it will become balanced...right?

/sorry for using sarcasm for illustration.
Lol I think I got distracted by a text message and absent-mindfully went to another page instead of pressing post... so I'll rewrite/summarize.

An extreme example isn't really compatible with a marginal one. If I had said the card produces 100 quanta for each element every turn, then your example would be spot on because neither of them are reasonable. The card I "suggested" is a reasonable one because it isn't too overpowered (but that's just opinion). Many other cards have been suggested that were at least as overpowered as this one. If we base it on reasonability alone, the people that suggested those cards would also share my opinion. That doesn't really matter though. The real point is that this card is more reasonable than many other card suggestions. That doesn't really matter either because it doesn't show reasonability on a scale everyone would agree upon. The reasonability of the card is what we should focus on, even if it is just opinions.

In summary, I feel the card is reasonable because it isn't too overpowered, the chances of obtaining one are extremely low, and everyone has an equal opportunity to obtain one (or more). The second part isn't really required in my opinion (universally), but it's a contributing factor towards reasonability in this case. If it were a common card, everyone would just use these instead of regular pillars. Having one of these in your deck shouldn't change your overall deck structure, or you will likely ruin the balance. Sure, if a person happens to draw it during the battle, it will give them an advantage, but that advantage is small and justified by equal opportunity. That's pretty much all opinion though. It's kinda funny that my "summary" is nearly as long as what it is meant to summarize.

Factors that determine the reasonability of a card:
-how powerful it is
-how easy/difficult it is to obtain
-how it is obtainable

If anyone thinks there are other factors, or think anything is wrong with the factors I listed, please say so. I'm looking forward to reading responses about reasonability of cards in general. :-)

Edit: Actually I'm just going to make a topic in general discussion about what factors determine the likelihood of a card being added to the game. So just post there in response the reasonability... which basically means this thread isn't needed. Discussing reasonability is just too off topic for this thread even if it does pertain, in part, to this card.


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Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4321.msg42957#msg42957
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2010, 08:52:27 pm »
The card I "suggested" is a reasonable one because it isn't too overpowered
In summary, I feel the card is reasonable because it isn't too overpowered
see this is the problem. it IS overpowered and the fact that you say 'it isn't too overpowered' shows that you already know this. though people have suggested OP cards in the card ideas forum, in the actual game there is no card that is strictly better than another. pulvy may be able to destroy more permanents than explosion, but unlike explosion it is more expensive, and vulnerable to destroy/steal. even cards that look like they are strictly better, like giant frog vs flesh recluse. the two are balanced by the cards they have access to in their own element. the card you suggest is strictly better than any comparable card in the game, and the only thing you've used to balance it is rarity. and like Delreich and jmizzle have already said:

Rarity does not affect card balance.
Just because everyone gets a fair shot doesn't mean the environment is balanced.
equal opportunity works fine if you're playing the lottery, but the game goes on after someone wins a card like this and people wont like dealing with the imbalance it creates.

