Hey everyone, been a while since i'v posted any crazy ideas, so here goes, just text for now - art will come later!
Interference: Permanent for 1 Turn
Cost: 3 Entropy
Ability: All cards have a 50% chance of failing while Interference is in play.
Nice and simple. It is a card like sundial but instead of stopping creatures from attacking, it stops your opponent from casting things, albeit on a 50% ratio. Also, note that this card will affect you as well, so it will be a noob-ish thing to do, to cast this card first in your turn and then have all your pillars/novas/abominations fail.
When a card is affected by interference, eg. I click on a card to play it, it goes through a boolean yes/no check, where the yes/no is completely random (like tossing a coin). If the check returns a no, that card is removed from play, my quanta is removed and the card does nothing. If yes, the card is removed from play, my quanta is removed but the card does its effect as per normal.
So, an example, I could play Interference AND a Sundial in the same turn, and then if my opponent tries to Deflagrate/Steal/Destroy either one of them, there is a 50% chance that it fails. All pillars my opponent plays in the next turn will have a 50% chance of failing. Any creature, spell or creature-ability my opponent plays will have a 50% chance of failing. Deja Vu's copying, Lava Destroyers growing, Mind-flayers lobotomizing, Otyughs devouring, and Shriekers burrowing ALL have a 50% chance to fail.
So this card, in my opinion, is unique in the sense that it is the only card to offer a sort of counter-spell effect. A prime example being Miracle or Black Hole, which have no way of being stopped except through pillar denial (which this card also can do on a 50% ratio)
Your thoughts, please.