' icon from the COST section of the upgraded table (that Rainbow icon is starting to get on my nerves...

^^; )
-(Read the issues the ART CURATOR has stated)
I think that if the spell can target the
player, you might have a really awesome spell mechanic that can flat out avoid poison (I imagine that if this was used on a player with Neurotoxin, they wouldn't gather additional stacks of the yellow poison by playing cards). This might annoy all of the the Death/Poison lovers out there, but I figure that this could be a different tactic to fight against poison - ignoring it rather than trying to cure it.
In regards to a 'field wide permanent'; don't. Light already has a great arsenal of permanents that can be targeted or non-targeted (3 shields, Sanctuary, etc.). I think that a cool icon could be made for it if it became a spell anyway.