More Fog: Sure, 2 or 3 cost isn't a problem here.
Shrapnel: No, only your permanents explode in harmful pieces. As for what damage I mean, I'm not sure if it wouldn't be OP at 5 damage, as with 4 or 5 of those you can explode 4 or 5 of your pillars dealing 20-25 damage per Explosion. But well.
Jury-rigger: On hit, apply timer to a perm. On hit when timer, destroy. On turnpass decrease timer. On timer 0 destroy. What's so hard?
Redirection: Cancel hit, lower counter. What's so hard? Gravity Pull works.
Bonewallwall: The sacrifice is automatic. Check for 2 suitable creatures, if are then cancel hit and blow them, if aren't then generate the Skeletons. No controlpassing or multitargeting. Well, maybe multitargeting or at least randomtargeting, but.
Building Martyr: Cancel hit, deal damage to creature.
On hit, apply timer to a perm. On hit when timer, destroy. On turnpass decrease timer. On timer 0 destroy. What's so hard?
Just with 99 timer instead of 3.
Resonance: It can hit through perm-protection only when the enemy decides to do so himself. That's why it is different.
Stealing: Steal = Deflag + PermPU. Deflag part works as a deflag would in any of those, PermPU is executed normally as it isn't destructive.