So, I have been noticing all of these fancy new light decks popping up with the introduction of Hope, and it made me realize that light had TWO other shields already. I had all but forgotten about the poor Solar Shield/Buckler, but looking at it.... it's just plain awful. An upped Mirror Shield does exactly the same job, also reflects spells, and is immaterial all for the cost of one extra light quantum. This just doesn't seem fair to me.
So, I had posted a topic along these lines a short while ago and it went by the wayside, but that was probably because it had a bunch of ideas all packed together, or perhaps it was just a bad idea. Either way, I would appreciate some feedback (even if it's negative).
For now, how about we focus on improving this (rightfully) forgotten shield?
I really like the idea of being able to protect your creatures from harm, and Aether seems to have a monopoly on that for now. Why not give the Solar Buckler a chance? My idea:
Glaring Light: For each light-emitting creature on your field, there is a 2% chance that skills or spells targeting any of your creatures will miss.
It may seem like very little, but now adding Luciferase to decks along with this could act as a form of creature protection. Skeleton armies aren't just good for additional damage/oty building, they can serve as a way to protect your other creatures (15 Skellies is pretty reasonable, and that's a 30% chance that opponent's attacks won't hit your creatures). Fractal Frogs aren't necessarily shut down by a RoF. A Deja Vu deck could get some mid to late game protection for its creatures.
I picked 2% because a 46% chance seems pretty alright at max capacity, it's definitely a worthwhile boost but not overwhelming. I would have made it 3%, but then I feel the possibility of a Frog/Fractal deck being 69% untouchable is just too frightening.
The other possibility would be to make it work like Improved Dusk, up the percentage to 3 or 3.5, and have the percentage be a chance for opponent attacks to miss your HP. The extra necessary step of getting a bunch of light-emitting creatures would be a trade-off for lower cost, and at 3.5% a full field translates to 80% chance of missing. I don't necessarily dislike this idea, but I feel like Hope does the same job with the same setup, except more effectively.
Then again, maybe this is meant to just be a shield for newbies and nothing more, in which case I apologize for babbling so much over nothing.