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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1019172#msg1019172
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2012, 04:28:42 am »
Here's a hastily thrown-together duo for Volunteer 2, whoever the combatant plans to be.
Spoiler for If you plan on deckbuilding Volunteer 1, do not look.:
To really make sure the 'control' deck is not prepared for the Imp deck, it's important that the Volunteer 2 deck gets built first.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5uk 5uk 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5uq 5uq 5uv 5uv 5uv 5uv 5uv 5uv 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 622 622 622 622 8pu

Intended Opponent : Unupped only
This is a generic Pestal that uses Gargoyles as beatdown cards and two Steals for additional PC control as needed. Eclipse plays the self-explanatory role of buffing all creatures.
Strengths :  Difficult to disrupt once properly set up.
Weaknesses : AoE CC and early quantum disruption make a mess of this deck, as does Devour. I assume Otyugh won't be present and Mutation is chancy enough. Pandemonium may or may not be present in Volunteer 1's deck, but that's not my decision.

Offline jawdirk

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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1019209#msg1019209
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2012, 08:10:34 am »
Not really sure if this would work or not for Volunteer 1; it's just an idea. I am guessing it wouldn't be extremely strong. I'm sure the quanta needs some tweaking too:

Spoiler for Volunteer 1:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vo 4vo 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 8pl

Relics are Imps of course.

In my opinion, imps are not immensely powerful when stacked. They do nothing until the enemy actually plays a card. So the enemy can just build up quanta until they have imps+cost of the quanta they need. Even a couple of enemy pillars dominate any number of Imps you can play. It seems to me that devourers are a lot better since they eat quanta every turn, before you can use it. I don't think they would do much against a rainbow deck either. You just "try" to cast all your mono spells every turn, and get lots of free quanta until eventually you can cast whatever you want.

Blackhole seems like the way to exploit Imp, but I'm not convinced it is going to do enough.

Interesting question: Say you have 1 :entropy in your quanta pool, and your enemy has 1 Imp out. You cast nova. Do you lose the :entropy and get an additional 3? I assume the nova succeeds no matter what happens since it is free?

Offline HyroenTopic starter

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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1019211#msg1019211
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2012, 08:15:50 am »
Thank you for the submissions, I will attempt to playtest and submit the results of 5 games.

@jawdirk: Thank you for the insights. It's true that the effects of Imp are at the mercy of the opponent's actions. And yes, if Nova is played your quanta would be unaffected due to the effects of Imp as you are essentially paying 0 quanta and therefore are not touching any quanta pool.

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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1019217#msg1019217
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2012, 09:28:42 am »
Good system for acquiring playtesting decks with minimal bias.
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Offline HyroenTopic starter

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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1020034#msg1020034
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2012, 09:18:29 am »
Thank you jawdirk and Zblader. Volunteer 1, the user of Imp won the first round. The match lasted 11 turns and jawdirk's deck won with 72HP remaining. The transcript of the match is found below.

If anyone finds any errors with the way the playtesting was run, please notify me and I will correct them, however I did my best to ensure there be no errors. All randomization was done with www.random.org/lists/

Spoiler for Transcript of Playtest:
2 :entropy | 2 :entropy
1|2 2|2
Before opponent pays for a card using a single quanta pool, 1 quanta from there is converted into 3 random.
6 x Imp
7 x Amethyst Pillar
5 x Purple Dragon
2 x Butterfly Effect
5 x Entropy Pendulum
5 x Black Hole
Mark of Gravity
Toss: Win
There were 30 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Black Hole
Amethyst Pillar
Entropy Pendulum
Purple Dragon
Amethyst Pillar
Purple Dragon
2 Entropy Pendulum
3 Imp
4 Amethyst Pillar
5 Black Hole
6 Amethyst Pillar
7 Entropy Pendulum
8 Black Hole
9 Imp
10 Amethyst Pillar
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon
Entropy Pendulum
Entropy Pendulum
Amethyst Pillar
Black Hole
Butterfly Effect
Amethyst Pillar
Butterfly Effect
Black Hole
Purple Dragon
Timestamp: 2012-12-03 08:30:39 UTC
2 x Obsidian Pillar
6 x Devourer
2 x Steal
2 x Nightfall
6 x Gargoyle
8 x Dark Pendulum
4 x Fractal
Mark of Aether
There were 30 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Dark Pendulum
Dark Pendulum
Dark Pendulum
Obsidian Pillar
1 Nightfall
2 Gargoyle
3 Gargoyle
4 Nightfall
5 Dark Pendulum
6 Gargoyle
7 Dark Pendulum
8 Devourer
9 Dark Pendulum
10 Fractal
Dark Pendulum
Obsidian Pillar
Dark Pendulum
Timestamp: 2012-12-03 09:21:15 UTC
-----TURN 1-----
START: Imp, Black Hole, Amethyst Pillar, Entropy Pendulum, Purple Dragon, Amethyst Pillar, Purple Dragon
2x Amethyst Pillar
1x Entropy Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (ent)
END: Imp, Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
EXCHANGE: +3(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 3(ent) 1(gra)
START: Dark Pendulum, Dark Pendulum, Fractal, Dark Pendulum, Obsidian Pillar, Gargoyle, Fractal
DRAW: 1x Nightfall
1x Obsidian Pillar
3x Dark Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 3x Dark Pendulum (dar)
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall
EXCHANGE: +1(aet) +4(dar)
QUANTA: 1(aet) 4(dar)
-----TURN 2-----
START: Imp, Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
DRAW: 1x Entropy Pendulum
1x Entropy Pendulum
1x Imp [-2(ent)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 2x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2)
END: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
EXCHANGE: +3(gra)
QUANTA: 3(ent) 4(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall
DRAW: 1x Gargoyle
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 3x Dark Pendulum (aet)
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Gargoyle
EXCHANGE: +4(aet) +1(dar)
QUANTA: 5(aet) 5(dar)
-----TURN 3-----
START: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
DRAW: 1x Imp
1x Imp [-2(ent)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 2x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp (1|2), Imp (1|2)
END: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
EXCHANGE: +2(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 5(ent) 5(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Gargoyle
DRAW: 1x Gargoyle
1x Gargoyle {[-2(dar)][+2(dea),+1(air),+1(dar),+1(gra),+1(aet)]2x Imp} NEGATE
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 3x Dark Pendulum (dar)
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Gargoyle
EXCHANGE: +2(aet) +1(air) +3(dar) +2(dea) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 7(aet) 1(air) 8(dar) 2(dea) 1(gra)
-----TURN 4-----
START: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
DRAW: 1x Amethyst Pillar
1x Amethyst Pillar
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 3x Amethyst Pillar, 2x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp (1|2)
END: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
EXCHANGE: +3(ent) +3(gra)
QUANTA: 8(ent) 8(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Gargoyle
DRAW: 1x Nightfall
1x Gargoyle {[-2(dar)][+1(dar),+2(tim),+2(aet),+1(fir)]2x Imp} [-5(dar)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 3x Dark Pendulum (aet), Gargoyle(5|3)
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Nightfall
EXCHANGE: +6(aet) -6(dar) +1(fir) +2(tim)
QUANTA: 13(aet) 1(air) 2(dar) 2(dea) 1(fir) 1(gra) 2(tim)
-----TURN 5-----
START: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
DRAW: 1x Black Hole
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 3x Amethyst Pillar, 2x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +5(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 13(ent) 9(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Nightfall
DRAW: 1x Dark Pendulum
1x Dark Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 4x Dark Pendulum (dar), Gargoyle(5|3)
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Nightfall
EXCHANGE: +1(aet) +5(dar)
QUANTA: 14(aet) 1(air) 7(dar) 2(dea) 1(fir) 1(gra) 2(tim)
-----TURN 6-----
START: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Amethyst Pillar
1x Amethyst Pillar
1x Purple Dragon [-10(ent)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 4x Amethyst Pillar, 2x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Purple Dragon(10|5)
END: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: -6(ent) +3(gra)
QUANTA: 7(ent) 12(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Nightfall
DRAW: 1x Gargoyle
1x Gargoyle {[-2(dar)][+2(lig), +1(dar), +1(fir), +2(wat)]2x Imp} [-5(dar)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 4x Dark Pendulum (aet), Gargoyle(5|3), Gargoyle(5|3)
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Nightfall
EXCHANGE: +5(aet) -5(dar) +1(fir) +2(lig) +2(wat)
QUANTA: 19(aet) 1(air) 2(dar) 2(dea) 2(fir) 1(gra) 2(lig) 2(tim) 2(wat)
-----TURN 7-----
START: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Entropy Pendulum
1x Entropy Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 4x Amethyst Pillar, 3x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Purple Dragon(10|5)
END: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +7(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 14(ent) 13(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Nightfall
DRAW: 1x Dark Pendulum
1x Dark Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 5x Dark Pendulum (dar), Gargoyle(5|3), Gargoyle(5|3)
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Nightfall
EXCHANGE: +1(aet) +6(dar)
QUANTA: 20(aet) 1(air) 8(dar) 2(dea) 2(fir) 1(gra) 2(lig) 2(tim) 2(wat)
-----TURN 8-----
START: Black Hole, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Black Hole
1x Purple Dragon [-10(ent)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 4x Amethyst Pillar, 3x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2),
Purple Dragon(10|5), Purple Dragon(10|5)
END: Black Hole, Black Hole, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: -6(ent) +4(gra)
QUANTA: 8(ent) 17(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall, Nightfall
DRAW: 1x Devourer
1x Nightfall {[-2(dar)][+2(dar), +1(ent), +1(lif), +1(aet), +1(ear)]2x Imp} [-3(dar)]
1x Devourer {[-2(dar)][+1(dar), +1(fir), +2(tim), +1(gra), +1(lif)]2x Imp} [-2(dar)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 5x Dark Pendulum (aet), 1x Nightfall, Gargoyle(6|4), Gargoyle(6|4)
1x Devourer(1|3)[-1(ent)P1]
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall
EXCHANGE: +7(aet) -4(dar) +1(ear) +1(ent) +1(fir) +1(gra) +2(lif) +2(tim)
QUANTA: 27(aet) 1(air) 4(dar) 2(dea) 1(ear) 1(ent) 3(fir) 2(gra) 2(lif) 2(lig) 4(tim) 2(wat)
-----TURN 9-----
START: Black Hole, Black Hole, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Imp
1x Imp [-2(ent)]
1x Black Hole [-4(gra)] -P2[3(aet) 1(air) 3(dar) 2(dea) 1(ear) 1(ent) 3(fir) 2(gra) 2(lif) 2(lig) 3(tim) 2(wat)] Heal 25HP
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 4x Amethyst Pillar, 3x Entropy Pendulum (ent),  Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2),
Purple Dragon(10|5), Purple Dragon(10|5)
END: Black Hole, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +5(ent) -3(gra) {-1(ent)Devourer}
QUANTA: 12(ent) 14(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall
DRAW: 1x Dark Pendulum
1x Dark Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 6x Dark Pendulum (dar), 1x Nightfall, Gargoyle(6|4), Gargoyle(6|4)
1x Devourer(1|3)[-1(ent)P1]
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall
EXCHANGE: +8(dar) +1(aet)
QUANTA: 25(aet) 9(dar) 1(tim)
-----TURN 10-----
START: Black Hole, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Amethyst Pillar
1x Amethyst Pillar
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 5x Amethyst Pillar, 3x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2),
Purple Dragon(10|5), Purple Dragon(10|5)
END: Black Hole, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +5(ent) +4(gra) {-1(ent)Devourer}
QUANTA: 16(ent) 18(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Nightfall
DRAW: 1x Fractal
1x Gargoyle  {[-3(dar)][+2(air), +4(gra), +1(dar), +1(wat), +1(tim)]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
1x Fractal->Devourer {[-3(aet)][+2(wat), +1(lig), +1(aet), +2(ear), +1(tim), +2(ent)]3x Imp} [-10(aet)][-all(aet)]
1x Devourer {[-2(dar)][+3(lif), +1(wat), +1(gra), +1(air)]3x Imp} NEGATE
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 6x Dark Pendulum (aet), 1x Nightfall, Gargoyle(6|4), Gargoyle(6|4), Gargoyle(6|4), 1x Devourer(1|3)[-1(ent)P1]
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Nightfall, Devourer, Devourer, Devourer, Devourer, Devourer
EXCHANGE: -12-all(aet) +3(air) -7(dar) +2(ear) +2(ent) +5(gra) +3(lif) +1(lig) +2(tim) +4(wat)
QUANTA: 3(air) 2(dar) 2(ear) 2(ent) 5(gra) 3(lif) 1(lig) 3(tim) 4(wat)
-----TURN 11-----
START: Black Hole, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Purple Dragon
1x Black Hole [-4(gra)] -P2[3(air) 2(dar) 2(ear) 2(ent) 3(gra) 3(lif) 1(lig) 3(tim) 3(wat)] Heal 22HP
1x Purple Dragon [-10(ent)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 5x Amethyst Pillar, 3x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2),
Purple Dragon(10|5), Purple Dragon(10|5)
END: Black Hole
EXCHANGE: -2(ent) -3(gra) {-1(ent)Devourer}
QUANTA: 13(ent) 15(gra)
START: Fractal, Gargoyle, Nightfall, Devourer, Devourer, Devourer, Devourer
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 6x Dark Pendulum (dar), 1x Nightfall, Gargoyle(6|4), Gargoyle(6|4), Gargoyle(6|4), 1x Devourer(1|3)
END: Fractal, Gargoyle, Nightfall, Devourer, Devourer, Devourer, Devourer
QUANTA: 2(gra) 1(wat)
----------PLAYER 1 WINS----------

Boy, playtesting takes a while. More matches to come.

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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1020040#msg1020040
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2012, 09:49:23 am »
I have found only recording new information in the log* each turn results in shorter playtesting times.
*I have a separate field being updated which is the current game state.

Spoiler for my initial analysis:
Player 2 should not have played Gargoyle [5 :darkness] on turn 3 with only 5 :darkness vs 2 Imps. This did not impact the game significantly though since it only converted 1 :darkness into 1 :aether in a game where lots of quanta was lost.

1x Gargoyle {[-2(dar)][+2(dea),+1(air),+1(dar),+1(gra),+1(aet)]2x Imp} NEGATE
1x Gargoyle {[-2(dar)][+1(dar),+2(tim),+2(aet),+1(fir)]2x Imp} [-5(dar)]
1x Gargoyle {[-2(dar)][+2(lig), +1(dar), +1(fir), +2(wat)]2x Imp} [-5(dar)]
1x Nightfall {[-2(dar)][+2(dar), +1(ent), +1(lif), +1(aet), +1(ear)]2x Imp} [-3(dar)]
1x Devourer {[-2(dar)][+1(dar), +1(fir), +2(tim), +1(gra), +1(lif)]2x Imp} [-2(dar)]
1x Gargoyle  {[-3(dar)][+2(air), +4(gra), +1(dar), +1(wat), +1(tim)]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
1x Fractal->Devourer {[-3(aet)][+2(wat), +1(lig), +1(aet), +2(ear), +1(tim), +2(ent)]3x Imp} [-10(aet)][-all(aet)]
1x Devourer {[-2(dar)][+3(lif), +1(wat), +1(gra), +1(air)]3x Imp} NEGATE
-15(dar) -3(aet) => +7(dar) +5(aet)
-18 valuable quanta => +12 valuable quanta
2 negations. Only 1 true negation.
"It is common sense to listen to the wisdom of the wise. The wise are marked by their readiness to listen to the wisdom of the fool."
"Nothing exists that cannot be countered." -OldTrees on indirect counters
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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1020157#msg1020157
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2012, 07:45:32 pm »
At the end of Player 2's second turn they were left with 5 :darkness. They needed all of it in order to play Gargoyle, when they tried playing Gargoyle in turn 3, 2 :darkness were affected by 2x Imp and therefore initially removed. 1 :darkness was returned by the effect which is why in that same turn playing Gargoyle was negated:

1x Gargoyle {[-2(dar)][+2(dea),+1(air),+1(dar),+1(gra),+1(aet)]2x Imp} NEGATE


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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1020196#msg1020196
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2012, 10:08:29 pm »
At the end of Player 2's second turn they were left with 5 :darkness. They needed all of it in order to play Gargoyle, when they tried playing Gargoyle in turn 3, 2 :darkness were affected by 2x Imp and therefore initially removed. 1 :darkness was returned by the effect which is why in that same turn playing Gargoyle was negated:

1x Gargoyle {[-2(dar)][+2(dea),+1(air),+1(dar),+1(gra),+1(aet)]2x Imp} NEGATE
Yes, they had 5 :darkness. However with 2 Imps in play the likelihood of Gargoyle being negated and losing quanta was very high. They lucked out that game to merely have the Gargoyle negated and convert 2 :darkness => 1 :darkness + 1 :aether + 4 :rainbow.
Losing 2 quanta was a (10/12)^6th= 33.4% chance.
Losing 1 quanta was a (10/12)^5th * (2/12) * 6 = 40.2% chance.
Losing 0 quanta was a 26.4% chance.
If they had 6 :darkness vs 2 imps then the chance of some positive result would be 66.6% rather than 26.4%.
If they had 7 :darkness vs 2 imps then the chance of some positive result would be 100% rather than 26.4%. (see turn 4)

So you did not make any mathematical errors. I believe this move on turn 3 was a misplay (73.6 chance of only negative results) but fortunately it did not impact the game (no quanta was lost).
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 10:11:24 pm by OldTrees »
"It is common sense to listen to the wisdom of the wise. The wise are marked by their readiness to listen to the wisdom of the fool."
"Nothing exists that cannot be countered." -OldTrees on indirect counters
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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1020212#msg1020212
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2012, 10:25:49 pm »
It may have been a calculated misplay, however a misplay that took into account human error, and the desire to beatdown the opponent first. I did play using what I would think were good moves for most of the game, however any misplays made should have evenly been made for both players.

I could have another version of the game where Gargoyle was not attempted to be played if you wish OldTrees, it should only affect a few numbers.

That's the good thing about a playtest transcript, you get to manipulate variables. ^_^

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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1020213#msg1020213
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2012, 10:34:48 pm »
It may have been a calculated misplay, however a misplay that took into account human error, and the desire to beatdown the opponent first. I did play using what I would think were good moves for most of the game, however any misplays made should have evenly been made for both players.

I could have another version of the game where Gargoyle was not attempted to be played if you wish OldTrees, it should only affect a few numbers.

That's the good thing about a playtest transcript, you get to manipulate variables. ^_^
I have spent a lot of time thinking about indirect counters especially to denial. Against Imps the most dangerous thing is letting the Imps hit (destroy valuable quanta) twice due to a negation. I considered it a misplay so I informed you so you could decide for yourself in the future playtests.

Another version of this game is not necessary. The lucky result meant  :darkness :darkness was converted to  :aether :darkness :rainbow :rainbow :rainbow :rainbow. This resulted in a conversion of  :darkness to  :aether and insignificant healing for the opponent's unknown blackhole. I did not see anywhere where the +1 :aether -1 :darkness had a huge impact.

Transcripts are useful indeed.

I eagerly await playtest 2.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 10:38:00 pm by OldTrees »
"It is common sense to listen to the wisdom of the wise. The wise are marked by their readiness to listen to the wisdom of the fool."
"Nothing exists that cannot be countered." -OldTrees on indirect counters
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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1020303#msg1020303
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2012, 08:28:20 am »
In my knowledge of upped play without stacking this card would be very underpowered. A cool effect, but not very useful. one possibility is that the ability itself should have a % chance of activating and then allow stacking. maybe based on total quanta.

might also think of limiting the effect to only cards of the opponents mark. because cards from a single element doesn't exclude very many cards...

have to consider if this is too good if used as additional druid fodder. probably not, but that's a factor.

if not used in combination with discord, this is like a slightly worse pest I think.

could limit the maximum number of times the effect could activate per turn. there's a lot of cards that are really good if you have a fractal'd field of them, so don't take that too heavily.

in a 30 card deck, with a bunch of these discord and fractal and enough aether pends/towers to pull it off, it doesn't leave you with much else. And since this doesn't lockdown as fast a normal DBH or discord sofo spam I don't think you're more likely to not be able to pull out a win. looking at my current discord decks I'm not sure what i would take out to replace with this either.

probably should make it so the effect per imp can only activate once in a turn. otherwise it could get a little iffy.

idk. Good to see that you're play testing it. Hope my rambles have some little bit of goodness in them.

My default opinion of a new card is OP. Your job as a card creator will have to be to convince me otherwise.
Happy to help with questions regarding upped PvP
Thanks for voting Blarp as your Favorite PvP Deck of 2012!
Blarp (the deck), bane of Championship League

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Re: Imp | Imp https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44915.msg1021545#msg1021545
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2012, 12:56:04 am »
Volunteer 2, who wasn't using Imp won the second round. The match lasted 14 turns and Zblader's deck won with 65HP remaining. The transcript of the match is found below.

If anyone finds any errors with the way the playtesting was run, please notify me and I will correct them, however I did my best to ensure there be no errors. All randomization was done with www.random.org/lists/

Spoiler for Transcript of Playtest 2:
2 :entropy | 2 :entropy
1|2 2|2
Before opponent pays for a card using a single quanta pool, 1 quanta from there is converted into 3 random.

6 x Imp
7 x Amethyst Pillar
5 x Purple Dragon
2 x Butterfly Effect
5 x Entropy Pendulum
5 x Black Hole
Mark of Gravity

Toss: Win

There were 30 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Amethyst Pillar
Purple Dragon
Amethyst Pillar
Black Hole
2 Entropy Pendulum
3 Butterfly Effect
4 Black Hole
5 Imp
6 Imp
7 Purple Dragon
8 Purple Dragon
9 Black Hole
10 Amethyst Pillar
11 Entropy Pendulum
12 Purple Dragon
13 Entropy Pendulum
14 Amethyst Pillar
15 Amethyst Pillar
16 Purple Dragon
17 Butterfly Effect
18 Black Hole
19 Black Hole
20 Imp
Entropy Pendulum
Amethyst Pillar
Amethyst Pillar
Entropy Pendulum
Timestamp: 2012-12-06 22:31:50 UTC

2 x Obsidian Pillar
6 x Devourer
2 x Steal
2 x Nightfall
6 x Gargoyle
8 x Dark Pendulum
4 x Fractal
Mark of Aether
There were 30 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Dark Pendulum
Dark Pendulum
Dark Pendulum
Dark Pendulum
1 Steal
2 Obsidian Pillar
3 Dark Pendulum
4 Gargoyle
5 Devourer
6 Dark Pendulum
7 Gargoyle
8 Dark Pendulum
9 Fractal
10 Dark Pendulum
11 Fractal
12 Steal
13 Nightfall
14 Gargoyle
15 Gargoyle
16 Devourer
17 Fractal
18 Nightfall
19 Gargoyle
20 Devourer
Obsidian Pillar
Timestamp: 2012-12-06 22:34:48 UTC

-----TURN 1-----
START: Imp, Amethyst Pillar, Purple Dragon, Imp, Imp, Amethyst Pillar, Black Hole
2x Amethyst Pillar
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Imp, Imp, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +2(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 2(ent) 1(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 100 / 100
START: Dark Pendulum, Dark Pendulum, Dark Pendulum, Gargoyle, Devourer, Dark Pendulum, Fractal
DRAW: 1x Steal
4x Dark Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 4x Dark Pendulum (dar)
END: Gargoyle, Devourer, Fractal, Steal
EXCHANGE: +1(aet) +4(dar)
QUANTA: 1(aet) 4(dar)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 100 / 100

-----TURN 2-----
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Imp, Imp, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Entropy Pendulum
1x Entropy Pendulum
1x Imp [-2(ent)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Imp, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +1(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 3(ent) 2(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 99 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Devourer, Fractal, Steal
DRAW: 1x Obsidian Pillar
1x Obsidian Pillar
1x Devourer {[-1(dar)][+1(fir) +1(gra) +1(dar)]1x Imp} [-2(dar)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 4x Dark Pendulum (aet), Devourer (0|2)
END: Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal
EXCHANGE: +5(aet)
QUANTA: 6(aet) 4(dar)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 99 / 100

-----TURN 3-----
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Imp, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Butterfly Effect
1x Imp [-2(ent)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect
EXCHANGE: +2(gra)
QUANTA: 2(ent) 4(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 97 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal
DRAW: 1x Dark Pendulum
1x Dark Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 5x Dark Pendulum (dar), Devourer(0|2)
END: Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal
EXCHANGE: +1(aet) +7(dar)
QUANTA: 7(aet) 11(dar)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 97 / 100

-----TURN 4-----
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect
DRAW: 1x Black Hole
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp (1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +3(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 4(ent) 5(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 95 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal
DRAW: 1x Gargoyle
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 5x Dark Pendulum (aet), Devourer(0|2)
END: Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal, Gargoyle
EXCHANGE: +6(aet) +2(dar)
QUANTA: 13(aet) 13(dar)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 95 / 100

-----TURN 5-----
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Imp
1x Imp [-2(ent)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: -1(ent) +2(gra)
QUANTA: 3(ent) 7(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 92 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal, Gargoyle
DRAW: 1x Devourer
1x Devourer {[-3(dar)][+3(dea) +3(lif) +1(ent) +1(dar) +1(fir)]3x Imp} [-2(dar)]
1x Fractal ->Devourer {[-3(aet)][+2(lig) +1(wat) +1(ent) +2(ear) +1(dar) +1(lif) +1(dea)]3x Imp} [-10(aet)][-all(aet)]
1x Devourer {[-3(dar)][+1(aet) +1(lif) +2(dar) +1(wat) +2(ear) +1(fir) +1(dea)]3x Imp} [-2(dar)]
1x Devourer {[-3(dar)][+1(lif) +1(ear) +2(wat) +1(fir) +1(ent) +1(dar) +1(tim) +1(dea)]3x Imp} [-2(dar)]
1x Devourer {[-3(dar)][+2(lig) +1(ear) +1(dea) +1(aet) +1(ent) +1(wat) +1(air) +1(fir)]3x Imp} NEGATE
$ Burrow [-1(ear)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 5x Dark Pendulum (dar), [Devourer(0|2)bur], Devourer(0|2), Devourer(0|2), Devourer(0|2)
END: Gargoyle, Devourer, Steal, Gargoyle, Devourer, Devourer
EXCHANGE: -10(aet) +1(air) -9(dar) +7(dea) +5(ear) +4(ent) +4(fir) +6(lif) +4(lig) +1(tim) +5(wat)
QUANTA: 3(aet) 1(air) 4(dar) 7(dea) 5(ear) 4(ent) 4(fir) 6(lif) 4(lig) 1(tim) 5(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 92 / 100

-----TURN 6-----
{-3(ent)Devourer} {-1(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Imp
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Black Hole, Imp
QUANTA: 3(ent) 7(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 89 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Devourer, Steal, Gargoyle, Devourer, Devourer
DRAW: 1x Dark Pendulum
1x Dark Pendulum
1x Devourer {[-3(dar)][+2(lig) +2(tim) +1(ent) +1(dea) +1(aet) +1(wat) +1(air)]3x Imp} NEGATE
$ Burrow [-1(ear)]
$ Burrow [-1(ear)]
$ Burrow [-1(ear)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 6x Dark Pendulum (aet), [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur]
END: Gargoyle, Devourer, Steal, Gargoyle, Devourer, Devourer
EXCHANGE: +8(aet) +1(air) +2(dar) +1(dea) -3(ear) +1(ent) +2(lig) +2(tim) +1(wat)
QUANTA: 11(aet) 2(air) 6(dar) 8(dea) 2(ear) 5(ent) 4(fir) 6(lif) 6(lig) 3(tim) 6(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 89 / 100

-----TURN 7-----
{-3(ent)Devourer} {-1(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Black Hole, Imp
DRAW: 1x Purple Dragon
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Black Hole, Imp, Purple Dragon
EXCHANGE: -1(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 2(ent) 8(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 86 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Devourer, Steal, Gargoyle, Devourer, Devourer
DRAW: 1x Gargoyle
1x Devourer {[-3(dar)][+1(lif) +1(ear) +3(air) +1(tim) +1(aet) +2(fir)]3x Imp} [-2(dar)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 6x Dark Pendulum (dar), [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], Devourer(0|2)
END: Gargoyle, Devourer, Steal, Gargoyle, Devourer, Gargoyle
EXCHANGE: +2(aet) +3(air) +7(dar) +1(ear) +2(fir) +1(lif) +1(tim)
QUANTA: 13(aet) 5(air) 13(dar) 8(dea) 3(ear) 5(ent) 6(fir) 7(lif) 6(lig) 4(tim) 6(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 86 / 100

-----TURN 8-----
{-1(ent)Devourer} {-4(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Black Hole, Imp, Purple Dragon
DRAW: 1x Purple Dragon
1x Black Hole [-4(gra)] -P2[3(aet) 3(air) 3(dar) 3(dea) 3(ear) 3(ent) 3(fir) 0(gra) 3(lif) 3(lig) 3(tim) 3(wat)] Heal 33HP
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Imp, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
EXCHANGE: +2(ent) -7(gra)
QUANTA: 4(ent) 1(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 83 / 100
-{[3(aet) 3(air) 3(dar) 3(dea) 3(ear) 3(ent) 3(fir) 0(gra) 3(lif) 3(lig) 3(tim) 3(wat)]Black Hole}
START: Gargoyle, Devourer, Steal, Gargoyle, Devourer, Gargoyle
DRAW: 1x Dark Pendulum
1x Dark Pendulum
1x Devourer {[-3(dar)][+1(lig) +1(lif) +3(wat) +1(gra) +1(ent) +1(aet) +1(fir)]x3 Imp} [-2(dar)]
1x Devourer {[-3(dar)][+1(dar) +1(fir) +1(tim) +1(ent) +1 (dea) +2(wat) +1(lig) +1(aet)]x3 Imp} [-2(dar)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 7x Dark Pendulum (aet), [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], Devourer(0|2), Devourer(0|2), Devourer(0|2)
END: Gargoyle, Steal, Gargoyle, Gargoyle
EXCHANGE: +7(aet) -3(air) -6(dar) -2(dea) -3(ear) -1(ent) -1(fir) +1(gra) -2(lif) -1(lig) -2(tim) +2(wat)
QUANTA: 20(aet) 2(air) 7(dar) 6(dea) 4(ent) 5(fir) 1(gra) 5(lif) 5(lig) 2(tim) 8(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 83 / 100

-----TURN 9-----
{-4(ent)Devourer} {-1(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Imp, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
DRAW: 1x Black Hole
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 2x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Imp, Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: -2(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 2(ent) 2(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 80 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Steal, Gargoyle, Gargoyle
DRAW: 1x Fractal
1x Gargoyle {[-3(dar)][+1(lif) +3(ear) +2(tim) +2(dea) +1(ent)]3x Imp} NEGATE
$ Burrow [-1(ear)]
$ Burrow [-1(ear)]
$ Burrow [-1(ear)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 7x Dark Pendulum (dar), [Devourer(0|2)bur],  [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur]
END: Gargoyle, Steal, Gargoyle, Gargoyle, Fractal
EXCHANGE: +1(aet) +10(dar) +2(dea) +1(ent) +1(lif) +2(tim)
QUANTA: 21(aet) 2(air) 17(dar) 8(dea) 5(ent) 5(fir) 1(gra) 6(lif) 5(lig) 4(tim) 8(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 80 / 100

-----TURN 10-----
{-2(ent)Devourer} {-2(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Amethyst Pillar
1x Amethyst Pillar
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 3x Amethyst Pillar, 1x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +2(ent) -1(gra)
QUANTA: 4(ent) 1(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 100 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 77 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Steal, Gargoyle, Gargoyle, Fractal
DRAW: 1x Dark Pendulum
1x Dark Pendulum
1x Gargoyle {[-3(dar)][+3(wat) +1(ent) +1(dea) +1(lig) +1(gra) +1(dar) +1(fir)]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
1x Gargoyle  {[-3(dar)][+1(lif) +1(ent) +1(air) +1(dea) +1(aet) +2(tim) +2(gra) ]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 8x Dark Pendulum (aet), [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], Gargoyle(5|3), Gargoyle(5|3)
END: Gargoyle, Steal, Fractal
EXCHANGE: +10(aet) +1(air) -11(dar) +2(dea) +2(ent) +1(fir) +3(gra) +1(lif) +1(lig) +2(tim) +3(wat)
QUANTA: 31(aet) 3(air) 6(dar) 10(dea) 7(ent) 6(fir) 4(gra) 7(lif) 6(lig) 6(tim) 11(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 90 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 77 / 100

-----TURN 11-----
{-4(ent)Devourer} {-1(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Entropy Pendulum
1x Entropy Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 3x Amethyst Pillar, 2x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +3(ent) +3(gra)
QUANTA: 3(ent) 3(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 90 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 74 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Steal, Fractal
DRAW: 1x Fractal
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 8x Dark Pendulum (dar), [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], Gargoyle(5|3), Gargoyle(5|3)
END: Gargoyle, Steal, Fractal, Fractal
EXCHANGE: +1(aet) +14(dar)
QUANTA: 32(aet) 3(air) 20(dar) 10(dea) 7(ent) 6(fir) 4(gra) 7(lif) 6(lig) 6(tim) 11(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 80 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 74 / 100

-----TURN 12-----
{-3(ent)Devourer} {-3(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect, Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Purple Dragon
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 3x Amethyst Pillar, 2x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect. Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Purple Dragon
EXCHANGE: +5(ent) +1(gra)
QUANTA: 5(ent) 1(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 80 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 71 / 100
START: Gargoyle, Steal, Fractal, Fractal
DRAW: 1x Steal
1x Fractal ->Gargoyle {[-3(aet)][+1(ent) +1(ear) +1(dea) +1(air) +1(lig) +2(tim) +1(fir) +1(wat)]3x Imp} [-10(aet)] [-all(aet)]
1x Gargoyle {[-3(dar)][+1(ear) +2(lig) +1(ent) +1(lif) +1(aet) +1(dea) +1(tim) +1(fir)]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
1x Gargoyle {[-3(dar)][+2(aet) +2(dea) +2(dar) +2(ent) +1(lif)]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
$ Stone Form [-1(ear)]
$ Stone Form [-1(ear)]
INPLAY:  1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 8x Dark Pendulum (aet),  [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur],  [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], [Devourer(0|2)bur], Gargoyle(5|23), Gargoyle(5|23), Gargoyle (5|3), Gargoyle(5|3)
END: Steal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal, Gargoyle, Gargoyle
EXCHANGE: -20(aet) +1(air) -7(dar) +4(dea) +4(ent) +2(fir) +2(lif) +3(lig) +3(tim) +1(wat)
QUANTA: 12(aet) 4(air) 13(dar) 14(dea) 11(ent) 8(fir) 4(gra) 9(lif) 9(lig) 9(tim) 12(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 60 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 71 / 100

-----TURN 13-----
{-5(ent)Devourer} {-1(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect. Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Entropy Pendulum
1x Entropy Pendulum
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 3x Amethyst Pillar, 3x Entropy Pendulum (gra), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect. Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: -2(ent) +3(gra)
QUANTA: 3(ent) 4(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 60 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 68 / 100
START: Steal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal, Gargoyle, Gargoyle
DRAW: Nightfall
1x  Nightfall {[-3(dar)][+2(air) +2(dar) +1(gra) +1(ent) +1(wat) +1(aet) +1(tim)]3x Imp} [-3(dar)]
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 8x Dark Pendulum (dar), Nightfall, [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur], Gargoyle(6|24), Gargoyle(6|24), Gargoyle (6|4), Gargoyle(6|4)
END: Steal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal, Gargoyle, Gargoyle
EXCHANGE: +2(aet) +1(air) +11(dar) +1(ent) +1(gra) +1(tim) +1(wat)
QUANTA: 14(aet) 5(air) 24(dar) 14(dea) 12(ent) 8(fir) 5(gra) 9(lif) 9(lig) 10(tim) 13(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 29 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 68 / 100

-----TURN 14-----
{-3(ent)Devourer} {-4(gra)Devourer}
START: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect. Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
DRAW: 1x Amethyst Pillar
1x Amethyst Pillar
INPLAY: 1x Mark of Gravity, 4x Amethyst Pillar, 3x Entropy Pendulum (ent), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2), Imp(1|2)
END: Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole, Butterfly Effect. Imp, Purple Dragon, Black Hole
EXCHANGE: +4(ent) -3(gra)
QUANTA: 7(ent) 1(gra)
PLAYER1 HP: 29 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 65 / 100
START: Steal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal, Gargoyle, Gargoyle
DRAW: 1x Gargoyle
1x Gargoyle {[-3(dar)][+1(tim) +2(air) +1(lig) +2(ear) +1(dea) +2(wat)]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
1x Gargoyle {[-3(dar)][+2(fir) +2(wat) +1(dea) +2(gra) +1(aet) +1(ear)]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
1x Gargoyle {[-3(dar)][+3(dar) +1(aet) +1(ent) +1(gra) +1(wat) +1(dea) +1(air)]3x Imp} [-5(dar)]
$ Stone Form [-1(ear)]
$ Stone Form [-1(ear)]
$ Stone Form [-1(ear)]
INPLAY:  1x Mark of Aether, 1x Obsidian Pillar, 8x Dark Pendulum (aet),  Nightfall, [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur],  [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur], [Devourer(1|3)bur],  [Devourer(1|3)bur], Gargoyle(6|24), Gargoyle(6|24), Gargoyle (6|24),  Gargoyle(6|24), Gargoyle(6|4), Gargoyle(6|4), Gargoyle(6|4)
END: Steal, Gargoyle, Fractal, Steal, Gargoyle
EXCHANGE: +11(aet) +3(air) -8(dar) +3(dea) +1(ent) +2(fir) +3(gra) +1(lig) +1(tim) +5(wat)
QUANTA: 25(aet) 8(air) 16(dar) 17(dea) 13(ent) 10(fir) 8(gra) 9(lif) 10(lig) 11(tim) 18(wat)
PLAYER1 HP: 0 / 100
PLAYER2 HP: 65 / 100

----------PLAYER 2 WINS----------

Sorry for taking even longer this time. Not only were there more details, but I have some side projects I'm working on as well.

More matches to come.

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