Lets Take an example of...
Fire spirit -> 0|2, poisoned 1
It will took more than one turn to die, right, since the hp is 2 and poison is 1?
It just same like What i mean, but, it's not like phoenix that turn into an ash first to regenerate to phoenix again, i mean, it's automatically regenerate but gained +1|+2 OR +1|+?
? is a number that more than 2 and less than five(thats why i write it as +2<?>+5)
More than five, I think it was a little bit big.. especially for creature, except it has delay effect for it..
I mean like that. If you still confuse, i will try to make the slide. Thanks for responding.
Edit Tue, 2Nov2010 00:49 am +07:00 GMT = More than "FIVE", not "FIRE" XD