How will the Hydra will work? 1 creature with the sum of the creature's attack (Chimera copy like card ) or 1 creature with attack of 1 of the dragons, attacking multiple times per turn ( :3 )?
I know it's antiCC, but had to ask. Does defending applies to Skull shield? And if so, does it generates Skellie?
Can be brutal with Massive dragons... Spamming out a few, then (unupped) Pande once, twice. Dragons are resistant almost to every effect (except Rewind), but PU can make some more dragon (and clearing the opposing field). Then a Chimera with 90-120 HP... but it has a really high cost.
How it will work with a Phase dragon on field? If affects it, does the Hydra will become immaterial?
It would be better if we can see the 'Hydra token' and some example how this will work.