H... & M...
1) Hasten from Hourglass gives 1 unit of card advantage per
. Why would H&M give 6|8 units for a mere 1
2) Why is it a
hybrid card if it has a
activated ability? Would it work better as a mono or a duo card?
3) Why 1 activation per 3|4 turns?
I don't completely understand this.
1) Hourglass gives 1 unit because you gain +1 and the opponent gains +0. Each turn "flight" is in effect, you gain +1 and your opponent gains -1, for a total of 2 units of advantage. State your reasoning for why is H&M so much cheaper and more powerful than hourglass (and therefore the rest of the balanced cards in the meta-game).
2) State your reasoning for why players should be able to "steal" with only Air quanta generation. Duality should not show intercorrespondence between elements, because implementing such cards would invade the niche that duo cards (Lava Golem for fire+earth, Firefly Queen for air+life) represent.
3) State your reason for why the skill is not instant like "butterfly effect", "shatter", and the mutant ability "steal". I'd like to step back from my interpretation of OldTree's attacks to note that you, EmeraldTiger, don't need to warrant your choice of making an untargetable ability instant/continuous because, coupled with a high enough ability cost, continuous abilities can be a balancing factor, assuming the ability cannot stack.