A huge part of SoR is getting the ability cost to 0 (sometimes it's even impossible to use the ability without it). For time cards there is also the extra 2 uses (You could still use this + SoR to use the ability 3 times on the turn the creature is played).
SoR makes an ability Zero and you can use it the turn you play it, so the only added benefit would be that you can use the ability one more time. If the ability is

you can use it 3 times in the first turn that card is played with this. Assuming you had some sort of combo for it. Which could really bite. Example Pharaoh, Scarab devour in the same turn you played the Pharaoh. Then throw a SoR on that Pharaoh, assuming you had the quanta for it, 2 more scarabs, devour, devour. Om nom nom.