Guys, a Hayes would not copy another one! So simple. At least this was the idea in the beginning...
Wouldn't it be better to make hayes start out as a weak creature like forest spirit or werewolf, then have a one time cost to turn it into the ubermonster
Why would it be better, explain. Also, if you play it as the first creature on the field ever, it is just 1/6.
I guess this would allow you to counter the Hayes for one round. For example if I have my dragon out, and my opponent plays Hayes, perhaps with 2/6 as an instant value, i could kill it, befor it becomes 9+/6 in the next round... as if you play the shrieker: you can kill it, befor it can burrow.
But i don´t think its necessary, because you can still kill it fairly easy with paradox, an Otyugh or spells and block it with common shields. it would basically behave like a dragon, perhaps a little bit cheaper with the option to become a little bit stronger... in my eyes not really a strong card. oh, and you haven`t discussed what happens, if you bless it...