Removed includes the obvious discarding as well as playing it.
I can see the intent for the nightmare combo, but this also makes it much more detrimental to its owner as well...
Basically, the result is that the upgraded version is a highly specific card that will likely only be relegated to use with nightmare.
I think that is a little too situational.
E.g. Why would I ever want to include a card in my deck (outside of the nightmare combo) that is going to eat my permanents, when it won't even stick around for more than 1 turn...
Granted it packes a moderate kick, but I'd be better off using 2 bolts... The card advantage cost would be the same and it would cost about the same quanta, and I would have a good chance of doing higher damage... Or, if I'm not worried about "adding" an extra element I could just use ball lightning. Its a much more potent card all around outside of the specific nightmare combo.
I can see where you are going with it. And it makes a lot of sense in a nightmare deck, but I think its just too limited outside of that narrow use. Double edge sword is one thing, but I think in this case, its crippling the upped version's usefulness a bit too much.
The unupped card, on the other hand, would have some pretty decent utility as rusher.
All in all I think the concept is fun, but they are both too expensive... especially the upped version. Outside of nightmare decks, players would probably be better off using sparks or ball lightening.