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NAME: | GeneSplice
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | Target creature gains ability:
Recombinant DNA: Create a new creature by combining traits with another
| NAME: | GeneSplice
| ELEMENT: | (upgraded)
| COST: | 5 (upgraded)
| TYPE: | Spell (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | Recombinant DNA: Create a new creature by combining traits with another
ART: | OdinVanguard (Generated using AMBER and VMD molecular modeling/simulation/visualization programs)
| IDEA: | OdinVanguard
| NOTES: | Yes, thats a real DNA model there. The idea of this card is a mixture of mitosis and mutate. It changes the ability of the target creature to "Recombinant DNA". This ability targets a second creature on the field and results in the creation of a third creature which is generated based on the abilities, traits, hitpoints and attack points of the parent creatures. This is done as follows: 1) One of the parents is randomly selected as the base card - for card art / mitosis purposes 2) Each trait: E.g. airborne, momentum, etc. has a 50/50 chance of being added to the new creature 3) The passive and active abilities are randomly picked from the two parents 4) Attack and hitpoints are determined as follows: Sum both parents maximum attack points. Each point of the total has 50% chance of giving the new creature +1 attack point The same is done for hitpoints. If the creature ends up with 0 hp, it is treated like spark.
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I came up with this idea after making a mitosis / fallen druid deck. I thought it would be cool to have a controled mutate type ability available which allowed you to "breed" new creatures from existing ones. The card art was made by building a small dna model using Nab in the AMBER package and rendering using VMD. It seemed to fit perfectly and works well for me since I'm not a terribly great artist outside of computer aided modeling and this was way easier than trying to pick up blender.
P.S. anyone here know if mechanisto was ever updated for the new mac OS. I really miss that program. It rocked