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Forest Protector https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4862.msg48196#msg48196
« on: April 04, 2010, 04:46:34 am »
Forest Protector
5 :life
Natural Wrath - 3 :life : Protector drains all your :life quanta and gains +1/+1 for each 5 quanta for 1 turn.

Designed to be a late game bomb, and be a creature equivalent of a firebolt (but more like Farenheit).  However, it must be used sparingly, best as a finisher.  Combined with rustlers (and perhaps luciferin) it would make a strong Life/Light deck

Alternative options:
Only be usable when under 10% HP?
One time use?
Adjust ratio?


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Re: Forest Protector https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4862.msg48216#msg48216
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 07:15:23 am »
wow, i really like this. as lord_midnight said, life already has a growth creature in forest spirit/specter, but not one that finally gives rustler a real purpose. i'd like to see it used in multiples, but as it drains all your quanta this makes it more difficult. perhaps instead of draining quanta you could have it do something like:

Natural Wrath - 3 :life: Protector gains +1/+1 for each 5  :life quanta. Protector is destroyed at end of turn.

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Re: Forest Protector https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4862.msg48241#msg48241
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 09:52:49 am »
wow, i really like this. as lord_midnight said, life already has a growth creature in forest spirit/specter, but not one that finally gives rustler a real purpose. i'd like to see it used in multiples, but as it drains all your quanta this makes it more difficult. perhaps instead of draining quanta you could have it do something like:

Natural Wrath - 3 :life: Protector gains +1/+1 for each 5  :life quanta. Protector is destroyed at end of turn.
The destruction part would still be detrimental against some decks, but as a last minute attack, this edit makes it sound much more... intriguing?

The way you word it makes it sound like a SPELL, rather than a creature (I mean, it's the Life equivalent of Spark with an adjustable attack bar depending on your  :life quanta). If the Protector is going to be destroyed after its usage, why not just make it a one-time use card (or a permanent that you can trigger), rather than a full-blown creature that can help grant a few skeletons (Graveyard/Boneyard) and Bone Walls.

If it's not a one-time use card, I'd say that it'd be cool if its attack decreases overtime, as in gain +X/+X (with X being a # of quanta of  :life depending on the ratio) at the beginning, but decreased gradually until it hit 0 - this way, it's the opposite of Forest Specter. Initially, it gives a huge wallop if used correctly (and a good finisher), and over time, will continue attacking, until it runs out of steam.

Combine either of these ideas though with Adrenaline (since it's a creature still), and you'll get a one-shot card though. =(


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Re: Forest Protector https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4862.msg48801#msg48801
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 02:40:21 pm »
I don't think adrenaline gives any bonus after a certain point.  Another idea was to boost it's starting stats, and have it turn into a 1/1 after it attacks using the ability.  Sorta like an uber-dive

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Re: Forest Protector https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4862.msg49185#msg49185
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2010, 09:06:19 am »
I don't think adrenaline gives any bonus after a certain point.  Another idea was to boost it's starting stats, and have it turn into a 1/1 after it attacks using the ability.  Sorta like an uber-dive
So then, you'd have it at say, 3/3, and after using the ability and dealing a noticeable amount of damage from exhausting all of your  :life quanta, it'd return to 1/1? That idea sounds a little bit more interesting, but I don't know if Life needs another way of 'rushing' (they could build enough  :life to get some Horned Frogs and other creatures out, and then have this as a backup in case the damage isn't going fast enough).

It could be abused by other means (Finding something to rewind it, save it for later, and then do a 'mega-dive' again in the future, but I suppose it could be a great challenge to keep it up. (If it's not destroyed quickly enough, it'll deal a bomb shell of damage potentially stronger than Unstable Gas, but become useless afterward). Using Quintessence on it will make it useless after the 'bomb'.

