Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Card Ideas and Art => Topic started by: justaburd on April 30, 2012, 05:52:02 am

Title: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: justaburd on April 30, 2012, 05:52:02 am

Grants target creature airborne passive. Doubles attack damage for 1 turn.

Grants target creature airborne passive. Doubles attack damage for 1 turn.

Was considering adding a shield bypass instead of double attack damage or a set damage increase for 1 turn. I was also considering limiting the number of casts per creature to 1 (or 2). The high cost is due to possible chaining of casts on a single creature creating say 1 turn kills on turn 3. (with just an elite wyrm.)

Note: Didn't know DD made one similar to this.  :o

Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: Drake_XIV on April 30, 2012, 05:53:53 am
5 | 4 :air is too much.  Half of Sky Blitz's cost for a much more limited effect?  I'd put it at 3 | 2 :air

Also, done more effectively with Fly | Fly (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,8697.0.html)
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: Hyroen on April 30, 2012, 05:55:12 am
5 | 4 :air is too much.  Half of Sky Blitz's cost for a much more limited effect?  I'd put it at 3 | 2 :air
Sky Blitz removes remaining :air quanta. Just sayin'
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: furballdn on April 30, 2012, 05:55:41 am
I was actually thinking of a card that granted airborne recently too. Also, can the name of a card have grammar? Also, this+chimera=much cheaper version of sky blitz for all your creatures.
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: justaburd on April 30, 2012, 06:04:17 am
Also, done more effectively with Fly | Fly (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,8697.0.html)

Doing it based on creature attack (and having it be something you have to activate) wasn't something I think was the right move. It discourages using that card for higher attack creatures, even if it can be spammed every round, which will be hard if it costs a lot. (unless SoR'd) Plus the one in the thread would need web to remove dive. Mine feels simpler. Occam's razor?
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: Drake_XIV on April 30, 2012, 06:07:35 am
I just feel it may be too similar to Fly | Fly.  Even the names are far too similar...

In short, Occams's Razor isn't necessarily the best tool for card ideas...
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: EmeraldTiger on April 30, 2012, 09:44:58 am
u could change to this kind of Fly.
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: OdinVanguard on April 30, 2012, 05:08:04 pm
Change to a permanent, and call it something like Enchanted feather? Then it could be used as a sort of anti spider... lol
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: moomoose on April 30, 2012, 05:14:17 pm
unfortunately as drake noted, this is very similar to an existing idea (with the dive being one turn only rather than acquiring the skill as in the other card).  as others have suggested, changing it to a permanent may help, but my 2 :electrum would be that that would still not be sufficient difference.  if you were to change it to a permanent, have it grant airborne permanently and something else for 1 turn (or permanently), that may help distinguish it.

on a side note- avoid using punctuation in card names, aside from apostrophes where applicable (as in "Thor's Rage" or something of the sort)
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: Poker Alho on April 30, 2012, 08:05:47 pm
wow, this can allow for some pretty sick combos, including double blitz and even triple blitz(the third blitz is a dive actually) o.O

wyrm+SoR+this+Sky blitz+2 Tu+chimera=120 damage for a 7 card combo
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: BluePriest on April 30, 2012, 09:24:08 pm
why not just give the creature dive?
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: moomoose on April 30, 2012, 09:40:36 pm
because that would make it an exact copy of the spell "fly" in level 3 spells
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: OdinVanguard on April 30, 2012, 10:03:22 pm
unfortunately as drake noted, this is very similar to an existing idea (with the dive being one turn only rather than acquiring the skill as in the other card).  as others have suggested, changing it to a permanent may help, but my 2 :electrum would be that that would still not be sufficient difference.  if you were to change it to a permanent, have it grant airborne permanently and something else for 1 turn (or permanently), that may help distinguish it.

on a side note- avoid using punctuation in card names, aside from apostrophes where applicable (as in "Thor's Rage" or something of the sort)
I think giving a one turn effect (ala skyblitz) is sufficiently different from changing the skill to dive. This card simply gives a bonus damage for one round. The card in level 3 however can be used offensively like liquid shadow since it will replace the targets ability. I think any card that completely replaces a creatures ability with a new one will have much different impact on the metagame than one that simply gives a trait like benefit, if for no other reason than that it becomes an equivalent to liquid shadow for purposes of denying your opponent from accessing unwanted abilities. The only reason buterfly effect doesn't fall into this category is its limitation to creatures with low attack power.

Balance wise, if this card is to remain a spell it should definitely have a lowered cost since damage bonus only lasts a single round.
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: moomoose on April 30, 2012, 10:09:37 pm
i hope youre joking.  a single turn of dive is not significantly different from granting the ability dive, they are essentially the same thing but with a single balancing mechanism difference.  the purpose of the card submission process seems to be lost on you, odin, it is to provide zanz with novel ideas to potentially implement in the game.  if you encourage people to submit ideas that are debateably almost the same, you would be doing a disservice to the forum.
Title: Re: Fly! | Fly!
Post by: OdinVanguard on April 30, 2012, 10:35:17 pm
i hope youre joking.  a single turn of dive is not significantly different from granting the ability dive, they are essentially the same thing but with a single balancing mechanism difference.  the purpose of the card submission process seems to be lost on you, odin, it is to provide zanz with novel ideas to potentially implement in the game.  if you encourage people to submit ideas that are debateably almost the same, you would be doing a disservice to the forum.
My point is that the "balancing mechanic" here has a significant impact, enough to warrant a new type of mechanic in its own right.
By replacing the ability you:
1) prevent use of the previous ability (as in liquid shadow)
2) allow repeated uses from a single card but spread out of multiple turns
By giving 1 turn doubling, you allow
1)combined use with exisiting dive capable creatures. This gives potential OTK capabilities btw.
wyrm + blessing -> 8 attack
dive -> 16
this card -> 32
parallel dim -> 64
sky blitz -> 128
2) Multiple uses on a single creature (replace parallel dim with a second one of these)
3) Allow the creature to keep its previous ability rather than overwritting it.

In other words, this card is useful to create a synergy with the dive ability whereas the other card simply reproduces it. The two cards could be used TOGETHER in a deck to powerful effect. The potential for the two to create that synergy should make it unique and gives warrant to potentially adding both to the game. Now whether or not that synergy should be accessible within the same element is a different matter.

Lastly, this card opens up a new use that was not present with dive and sky blitz mechanics. If you put dive on an enemy creature that has been hit with AM (similar argument for SoSac), no player in their right mind would activate it... This card doesn't give them a choice. A cool way to accentuate this point would be to have it automatically activate dive as well. This would further cement the fact that it is a useful card in its own right AND can even synergy with the existing level 3 card. It will also give air new synergy with  :entropy and  :death via AM and SoSac.

All that said, this card does need a name change though...

I say change the name to something that suggests launching a creature into the air.
One amusing option would be to make it into a gravity card (maybe a permanent called antigravity launcher?) and have it only grant airborne 1 turn unless the player's mark is  :air . Making it a permanent is also helpful for balancing purposes since it gives opponents the chance to counter it. It would also be a good idea to not let it stack, or limit the number of times it can stack.
