Is the Creature, Flare Pariah or Flare Martyr? You have a Disparity between the Table the Topic Title and the Card Image.
I'll fix that.
I'm not sure why so many people are making immaterial creatures that aren't
. There's a reason why only
has immaterial creatures.
Your ego?
Morning Glory's immaterial status is to make it immune to Darkness' Steal ability and to make it reliable.
Which does not change the fact that flying Morning Glory is immaterial and therefore invalidates your earlier statement.
Also, if you think about it it makes since that is is immaterial, no? You can't siphon life from the sun, or paralyze it, you definitely can't freeze it, it would absorb lightning and fire, you can't eat it or even touch it, paradox wouldn't work on this card anyway, and you can't make it mad.
I guess you could poison it (but I don't want to think about the complex physics of that). Imagine how obscenely powerful it would be with Fractal (even though it doesn't stack), TU, and Liquid Shadow as well.