thinking of adding a passive ability on making the werewolf double it's attack during an eclipse
Ehmm. Werewolves gain their strength when it is a full moon. Not during lunar or solar eclipses!
Ability cost: 2 
Ability Description: Poisons(2) the target
I think Poison is confined to the Death element. Also, I think instead of it being a poison ability, make it a simple straight damage effect. Bite, does 2 damage, upgraded Bite does 3 damage. If Bite kills an enemy creature, it spawns a Lycanthrope/Werewolf (on your side? or on the opponents side?)
you can bite a stronger creature on your opponents side of the field to make them more edible, or you can bite you own creatures to turn a useless photon into a decent 4/3 creature,
Mutate and Improved Mutate already do simply this, if not even better. Sure, the Fallen Elf/Druid card is Entropy and Mutate is a Life ability - if this werewolf re-working was implemented it would simply replace the fallen druid as a weaker substitute. What's more is, Mutate is the only ability (excluding Rewind Time) which can instant-kill a creature. Improved Mutate can give you one-of-a-kind creatures... my favorite was a 15/10 Golden Dragon with Steal for

All in all, the idea is okay, but I'm not so sure on it. Personally, I wouldn't use it! I prefer the current Werewolf/Lycanthrope set up: low quanta cost, self-increasing damage and defense buff. Played quickly in a game, you can do decent damage to your opponent before he has the chance to get a shield up. Include a few devourers and you can deny any potential defense he may have. Throw a few Chaos Powers in and your Lycanthropes become a lot more deadly.