Let's see the 3 bolts in play:
( for each bolt the "3 dmg x 10 quanta" is not exact: in reality each 10 quanta +1, like 3 between 1-9, 6 between 10-19 and so on, but that's the same for all bolts)
Fire: 3 damage each 10 quanta
good shotin' card!!!! Even more good considering fahrenheit and red power against all kind of menace (it has anti creature, anti permanents and hard striking creature/permanents by his own) that make mono-red not only playable but a worrying anemy.
Dark: 2 damage each 10 quanta, with draining
again a truly good card! Less damage is balanced by the powerful ability and the easyness for deck to have lots of quanta because of devourers. And again in a well playable mono-color element!!!
Water: 2 damage each 10 quanta, plus unknown chance of freezing.
What? Truly not so bad but quite poor card: you can freeze only creatures (obviously), and that means they're not dead! Even worst is the lack of all-roundness of water element, that means it tents to be at least a duo-element deck! This means less quanta=less damage...
So what to do? I suggest 100% freezing, maybe calling it different (like "coolen", but i'm not english so i dont know if it sounds good or funny or even ridicolous) and making it last few time, maybe 2 turns. So if you decide to use in a not-killing way, you'll have a useful effect.