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Soul Imprinting | Improved Soul Imprinting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60152.msg1211270#msg1211270
« on: October 19, 2015, 07:57:53 pm »
Soul Imprintint
4 :light

The next creature targeting spell that is played becomes its target's new "0 cost", "transfer to target" ability.
Improved Soul Imprinting
2 :light

The next creature targeting spell that is played becomes its target's new "0 cost", "transfer to target" ability.

"Today will be enlightening, even Illuminating"

"Every action, every interaction, leaves a mark. Some marks are etched more deeply than others."

Essentially, when this spell is played an ongoing effect is put into play that lasts until a creature is targeted by a (single target) spell. This spell cannot be cast again until the effect triggers.

Once the effect triggers, the creature that was targeted by the spell has its current ability replaced with a new ability that matches the spell that targeted it. This ability will have a 0 cost. When the creature uses the ability, it is removed from the creature (leaving the creature with no ability) and the ability is transfered to the new target.

If a player is targeted by the ability, then that player gets a copy of the spell.

This spells effect will trigger after any other effects of the spell that triggers it. E.g. if you have this in play and "butterfly effect" is played on a creature, the creatures new ability will first become " :entropy :entropy :entropy : destroy " but will immediately be replaced by the 0 cost ability version of the butterfly effect spell. (In essence, it effectively becomes a lobotomize like effect).

If the affected creature had a currently readied activatable ability (e.g. an ability that its owner must directly click on the creature to use) then the new ability given will be readied as well.
If the creature had no ability or had an ability that did not require interaction to use, then the new ability will not be readied.
This is to prevent, e.g. chaining blessing on a field of photons (but a field of rustlers, guardian angels, etc. would work).

Why :light ? Well it fits the concept of effects that modify the target's soul (thematics).
It can synnergy very nicely with the :light element's proclivity for buff spells (e.g. a bouncing blessing).
Lastly, it can work as a soft CC deterent since if the victim survives, it will be able to retaliate. (e.g. if you hit a light dragon with a lightening bolt, it will gain the lightening bolt spell as an ability).

Note that chaining of buff abilities across a field would require each creature in the chain to have a readied activatable ability. Since the ability is wiped upon use, a full field chain could only be completed 1 time (since it would leave all of the other creatures with no ability).


« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 08:06:24 pm by OdinVanguard »
Whether the glass is half full or half empty is a moot point. It is always filled to the brim. It is only a matter of by what. The real question is: What fills you?
If your zombie plan is
kill -9 `ps l | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$9}' | grep "Z" | awk '{printf("%s ",$2)}'`
You might be a unix junky

