Another 'remove immaterial' idea...
need a means to not be trampled by MonoAether SoW.
This was not a complete answer. Why 'remove immaterial' instead of another means?
PS: Why not have it remove a random immaterial status and then let you choose a target?
The SoW combo is indeed very annoying, but outright removal of immaterial should be implemented with care as it will very greatly reduce the value of the immaterial / untargettable status.
I tend to be very wary of anything that puts it "on a stick"...
I agree that counters are needed, but I think we need something more creative than simply ripping off the untargettable status at will.
The best way to deal with overpowered SoW would be to have more cards interact with spell damage in some way. Right now all we have are mirror shield and emerald shield.