I didn't say anything about cliques, but as for the respect thing, there are two ways that it works: Either you give respect to get respect, or you have to earn it. The reason we haven't really been all that respectul is probably because you come in here as a nobody with an idea and expect that we'll listen. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to prove that you deserve it. Yes, this isn't high school, but if you want any intelligible feedback, you're going to need to show us that you know what you're talking about. Many people on this forum have shown their contributions a number of times over. We occasionally get new members that post once or twice, asking a question or proposing a small change that has already been suggested a number of times (card trading, mulligan, auction, etc.), but when some random person comes in with a big idea, there are going to be skeptics and nay-sayers.
With your ideas, you mentioned you had a group of testers. Post some data, then. Label the players, or give them fake names, or use their real ones. Show what their deck builds were, who they faced, and what the winning play was (I believe you mentioned that they were all taking notes on the end-game deciding factor). Show some statistics on how each of these original cards worked in their respective decks, how many games, the win/loss ratios, and how helpful the cards were in each game. Did they make a difference? Why or why not? Did you try testing a standard mono-element version agains the modified version with the new cards? Did you compare your data to the data that already exists for quite a few of the decks posted here already (there is a section for each element, related to mono-element decks). Hard facts are what we need, not ideas and claims.
As for the card ideas themselves, the reason I haven't commented on them is because, frankly, I haven't read them, I don't plan to read them, and I don't care to read them. Card ideas, to me, though fanciful, really aren't worth the time, as they are never likely to come to fruition. I can't speak for PuppyChow, though.