ah... i'm think if it have some creature that can copy spell card will be a bit fun. but it seem it very very very hard to balance it.
ok. get some more experience by this card. very thx for everyone comment.
and very thx for card list nepycros. but copycat can copy only spell. not all ability. that's mean creature and artifact ability can't make new skill for this one.
btw.. what if i'm change it to be 'only your opponent spell that target this thing' and make it have more power. this way i will make it be a very strong creature that have much hp and ability to make you opponent don't want to CC it with spell.
btw again... i'm don't think this card suit with nymph ability at all. talk about target spell. i'm think normal spell like bless (as you say), nightmare(can't even draw a card....), and fire lance. (if it can endure it.... it will be epic win fore fire lance deck.)