This is very Graboid-like. It costs 3 quanta, has 2 attack, is untargetable, and may turn into a stronger creature at the cost of one cross-element quantum.
Unupped, the main difference is that the new creature is 5|4 instead of being 8|3, meaning that Dimensionless Spirit is very weak compared to Graboid. A difference of 1 or 2 attack would be acceptable, since Graboid is slightly OP imo, but a difference of 3 is too much.
Elite Vitalis can deal 8 damage a turn by spawning sparks, which is inferior to Elite Graboid's 10 damage, and requires 1

a turn. But at least, it has some interesting synergies: boost the sparks or use them as Cremation/Mutation fodder.
These synergies are what I really like with this card, so instead of boosting it's attack to make it more Graboid-like and less original, I suggest to focus more on this aspect, by giving normal Vitalis the ability to summon Sparks, and elite Vitalis the ability to summon Ball Lightnings. And then increase the cost of standalone Vitalis to 6|6.