| |
NAME: | Dilation Shield
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 2
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Shield: Redistributes 16% of damage from all sources over several turns, releasing 25% per turn. (Stackable)
| NAME: | Dilation Aegis
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Shield: Redistributes 16% of damage from all sources over several turns, releasing 25% per turn. (Stackable)
ART: | Original Art link: http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=download&id=811463
Edited in GIMP by OdinVanguard
| IDEA: | OdinVanguard
| NOTES: | "Take your time today."
"Today you will feel like your troubles will never fully come to bear, but don't get too comfortable. They will."
The percentage of redistribution stacks (not the percent released per turn). So with 2 of these, 32% of all incoming damage gets redistributed.
The total damage redistributed from each individual source is rounded off (e.g. half a point or more goes to a full point, less than half a point goes to zero)
The damage released each turn gets rounded up (so it will eventually dish out everything it collects)
The best way to show how this works is by way of example.
Suppose you had 3 of these, for a total of 48% redistribution. -Your opponent sets off an unstable gas (20 damage). -The shield will redistribute a total of 10 damage (20*.48 = 9.6 which rounds to 10) -So you will take 10 damage immediately, and 10 damage counters get put onto the shield. -At the end of your turn (as the game cycles through permanents) the shield will deal 3 points of -damage to you (10*.25 = 2.5 which rounds to 3) leaving 7 behind on the shield for later. Now, if your opponent detonates another gas next turn, it would deal 10 more damage and add 10 more counters. The shield would then apply its damage on your turn… etc.
As a last note on the redistribution balancing, When damage received each turn is consistent, this shield will eventually accrue enough damage that the damage it deals will also remain constant. -In the long run, this shield would end up simply delaying all damage till the end of your turn and then dealing 75% of whatever you would normally receive in a single big lump. -The total accrued damage would also level out at 3 times the total damage being received each turn is.
-For those who like math you can derive this yourself as the fixed point for the recursion relation: x[n+1]=(x[n]+D)*r, where D is the damage received from opponent each turn and r is 25% (.25)
-For those who really like math, you can recalculate this for an arbitrary redistribution rate of R using: x[n+1]=(x[n]+D*R)*r…
---So in the long term limit with full redistribution, this shield provides 25% reduction of all damage---
Finally, if one of the shields in the stack is destroyed, it will take with it a corresponding percent of the accrued damage.
So… assume you had 3 of these with 30 damage accrued. Your opponent then deflagrates one of them. One third of the accrued damage would then be removed, leaving 20 left over the 2 shields.
This also means that if you replace this with a new shield you could remove all of the accrued damage.
I'm not sure exactly how to handle this, however. I.e. I don't know whether this removed damage should be released instantly, just vanish, etc. but I do want this shield to have some built in anti-PC in this manner. Some feedback from others would be good there.
Whether the glass is half full or half empty is a moot point. It is always filled to the brim. It is only a matter of by what. The real question is: What fills you?
If your zombie plan is
kill -9 `ps l | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$9}' | grep "Z" | awk '{printf("%s ",$2)}'`
You might be a unix junky