I think it should cost 5
).[you know the location for my reasons]
I disagree with your chart in this case. If we're to push for multiple actives we need to recognize which is the dominant active and price the card accordingly. Scavenger +3 (on element), Dive +3 (on element buff in Scavenger), +1 for having multiple abilities.
Run two Condors for the same price, save on Air quanta. Pointless, except in terms of card slots.
In terms of cards played, in terms of deck space, in terms of speed too since this come out later, in terms of a lot of things.
This is basically a OP version of vulture.
They fill totally different roles due to cost. One comes down midgame and quickly grows, the other comes in later once you've got everything under control and uses its ability to dive to finish whats left of the game. I actually theorize that vulture is better since you can get more mileage without going into a second element and can thus splash any other element you wanted more easily. Its pretty common to see retrovirus, fractal, and vultures in the same deck (though I think dragon is actually better but thats another discussion entirely).