I really dun want to go caculate whether they are actually worth it compared to hourglass,
tucks myself to bed before oldtrees comes in. 
I am surprised at your precognition.

I only look at a couple of threads every couple of months. Somehow you knew I would randomly look here instead of another thread.

Just a quick reminder. Some AoE effects target and some do not. Most AoEs in EtG target (even Flooding targets despite it bypassing Cloak without removing Cloak*). Although Sundial does not target (my memory fades so I do not recall if there were other exceptions).
However I agree with DoctorC that having TimeTravel|TimeTrek target is a good idea. The added, and expected, interaction with immaterial/immortal would add tactical depth. (Including the rare case where the opponent uses Quint against your Time Travel deck).
Shard of Bravery's draw power made me think about combo decks although it did also help rush decks. In both of those cases the drawback from Shard of Bravery was minimized(both decks can value trading away defense to gain some speed). Time Travel will minimize its cost by using cheap low value fodder or a protected generator.
Theoretically it has a worse drawback per draw than Shard of Bravery and thus likely should be cheaper. However being the 2nd powerful cheap card draw it makes sense to do some playtesting first.
So to playtest for balance I would suggest:
1) A Fire Tower/Time mark rush deck using Shard of Bravery, Time Trek, Deja Vu, Immolation, Minor Phoenix, & Deja Vu
2) A Fire/Time combo deck using Shard of Bravery, Time Trek, Sundials, Supernova(for the combo's quanta), & OTK/TTK of choice(some choices will be better).
^ This is the thing that makes me saltiest in this entire game
It does make sense for some AoEs to be targeted effects (like a rain of firebolts from the sky) but others not so much (why does flooding, plague target? Even firestorm could swing either way). Your salt is not without good reason.
*Unrelated sidenote: In the Trainer my Dry Spell would not cancel my Cloak despite it saying it removes invisibility. Weird.