well.. let's put an example.. the opponent have a fire buckler and your creature is about to die and he have a strong creatures on his side of the field..
or simply to kill a strong creature (a creature that you cannot kill, as an example because in this turn you can't deal to that creature enought damage to kill it) killing a weak one instead
example.. you have a fire bolt or a drain life or some kind of attacking spell and enought quanta to cast it, but target creature will survive with1-2 hp
i think, if you have creatures, that can be more useful to kill one of these creatures in order to destroy that enemy creature (firefly queen or pharaon) instead of having your creature on the field (devourer).. well..
the example why this is can be OP.. put a photon, this card and immolation.. you can defeat a flying titan
but in fact this card would bound you to have something to sacrifice. i think this is the interesting part
so.. if you don't have a creature.. well.. this card is useless
Try "Tainted Link | Cursed Link"
well.. actually i don't ever know if it's OP
if it's will be ok i'll fix something ^^