LOLOL COM- no, wait. Looks like I can't be being insane. Oh, whatever.
Rabbits: 2/2 (2 Life quanta)
Breed (1 Life): Rabbits lose 1 HP. Create more Rabbits.
Hamper: Spell (3 Darknesse quanta)
Target creature cannot be targeted by its owner.
Bond of Cowardice: Spell (3 Darkness quanta)
Target two creatures of yours. As long as the larger one of them is alive, the smaller one hides behind it and is Safe.
Safety: Status
Creature cannot be targeted by the enemy.
Bond of Punishment: Spell (2 Darkness quanta)
Target two creatures. When one takes damage, the second one takes same amount of damage. Doesn't work with killing effects.
Bond of Protection: Spell (1 Light quantum)
Target two creatures of yours. Damage dealt to the smaller one is redirected to the larger one.
Bond of Love: Spell (4 Light quanta)
Target two creatures, at least one of the enemy's. Both become Safe, but if one of them dies, the status is lost on both.
Destiny Bond: Spell (3 Death quanta)
Target two creatures. If one of them dies due to enemy's actions, the other one dies as well.
Cruel Plan: Permanent (5 Fire quanta)
As long as have this on the field, when a creature of yours would take damage, it is redirected to the weakest (least ATK) creature on your side. Works for instakill effects as well.
Tremors: Spell (6 Earth quanta)
All permanents and creatures cannot do anything this turn.
Dork Magician: 3/3 (5 Entropy quanta)
Dork Magician can fire a random magic attack, dealing 12 spell-based damage to the enemy, draining 3 Darkness quanta from you in the process. If you don't have them, the attack still can be fired. 30% chance.